

Midnight messages
Someone is leaving Tasha messages in the dead of the night. It's the creepiest messages she's ever read in her life. They'd write naughty messages to her saying all the things They'd do too her. A wash of dread spread on her face leaving a horrified expression. She doesn't know who is leaving those creepy messages or why, the messages just kept constantly coming repeatedly. Whenever she blocked their number it reappears each time, she even tried changing her social media but somehow the person keeps getting them. It's like she can't escape this constant nightmare. She decided too throw away her phone and stop using any devices for sometime. Thing have been fine for a few weeks but she gets constant message through mail and one of them in writing saying "I know where you live "! with a smile emoji . Her heart sank reading the message. "I'm gonna get you "! it read. The next night at midnight came a message in a letter in the mailbox arrived. She couldn't figure out who or where it was coming from, but this night she'd know. As she rushed back into the house in fear . A ghostly figure of a person came out with a black hoodie and a big axe in their right hand. As they crept behind her. "I have you now"! As they chopped her with the axe. "If I can't have you no one else can't "! as they vanished into the shadows of the dead of the night.
© lovely