

My Little star
My little star bright my life. She guides me with her light. You can see it drove her smile. She is graceful and kind. When she speaks, beautiful music comes out of her mouth. She brings joy to my life. When she sings, it is like harmony. There is no star like her. It is a beautiful site to see her glowing. She was a small star. Now she is a big star. Her laugh touches your soul. There are so many stars in the sky. But nothing like her. She is so unique in her ways. The other stars bullied her. Now there Envy her. She shows her exceptional talent. Star around couldn't believe their ears. What a beautiful sound you made. She lit the room with a smile. The other star was amazed at her. She is a unique star. She is never far from me. She is my light. She is my pride and joy. She is my youngest of all-star. She always makes me happy. There is no star like her. She said I inspired her. She was the one who inspired me. She is an excellent star. She has always been my Bright star. She will brighten my darkness to light. When she sang, the angel around her was dancing. Her music is her voice—it like lovable. She is my lucky star. She brings joy to my life when I look up at the sky. Thank you, God, for sending me a star. My shining star is my little girl. Who turns into a star. She will always be my star. She is my superstar. #lifechangingconcet
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