

Village Feast Musings
Humans are absolutely adorable. I went to the village feast, where the statue of the patron saint was taken on a stroll around the neighborhood. All women of all ages had the prettiest dresses and they all felt so pretty in their new dresses. They even spent time putting on makeup. I saw men dancing with their children and grandchildren hoping to put a smile on their faces, and I saw a mother dancing with her baby too.

Kids of all ages were running around playing catch, a reminder of the same game I used to play at the village feast myself. Families met up after so many days apart, and the joy on their face was indescribable. Fireworks lit up the sky and although I know about the polluting hazards, for a moment it was just the thought of humans liking sounds and colours in the sky which made me giggle.

Social media shows me so many horrible things, and they are all very real no matter what, but yesterday was a beautiful reminder that the essence of humanity is still prevalent.
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