

the effects versus the benefits.
technological advancement, social media, AI, and the information highway at our fingers tips. they're all beneficial to some degree, however there are some side effects. we are closely connected than never before in history that we know of anyway besides archaeologists are always discovering ancient technology.
unfortunately we are also divided, disconnected from our fellow human beings, as well as quite naive within our thinking because it could all be gone in a flash.
technology which is crazy thinking about all the modernization that we consider new considering our planet is thousands, if not billions years old.
Will we ever know the truth?
maybe it's all the charade! Doctors and scientists are able to save more lives nowadays, just because of our technology though at what price does it bring? overpopulation, famine perhaps and global warming.
communication definitely is not the same though. we can converse with people on the other side of the planet within seconds.
are we truly listening?
relationships aren't the same. basically because we have dating apps and so many other ways of meeting people. nowadays we have too many selections to choose from.
we are absolutely saturated. when do we find time to reflect and comprehend our reality?
thank God for air condition and furnaces. the weather used to be our biggest threat, however, with time it's beginning to be once more.
in my honest opinion, I believe we're supposed to go through hardships, to be able to process, to hold gratitude for everything, and that we don't take each other for granted because we all bring something to the table.
our brains is the most advanced computer within our universe. although it runs 24/7 we're supposed to be able to rest, sleep, and recover so our brains might do their job properly.
unfortunately our world no longer stops, no longer rest because our technology advancement runs 24/7, we are constantly being alerted by our phones and by our computers.
people no longer listen to our own narrative, no longer have relationships themselves because we seek outwardly for what they could basically find. inwardly. when do we wake up?
© Life is amazing, if you let it be!