

Have You Seen My Childhood(Talk to Jesus/#chapter 2)
I can remember August 14th 1989 as if it were yesterday. I felt as though I was alone in the world. For the first time in my life I didn't know who had my back. Now I had to see what the great big world had to offfer. As a child I didn't realize that my grandmother was keeping me from the world, because she knew what was out there. Not a day goes by I don't wish she was still alive. I sometimes think my life would have gone in a entirely different direction. I have no regrets, just sometimes a passing thought. August 15th 1989 I stopped praying. I stopped believing in the God my grandmother had raised me to believe in. It's very hard for a 12 year old to comprehend that not all prayers are answered. My grandmother used to say " Talk to Jesus". That's what prayer is.A person talking to the God of their respective belief. As a 12 year old my prayers were limited to bullshit until August 14th 1989. Twenty five years later, I'll still think the best of me died on that day. Who else would care what happened to me? In a matter of days I went from a carefree child with not a care in a world, to a child with the biggest loss of life, and the weight of the world on my shoulders. No more praying. My grandmother would have told me to continue to ,"Talk To Jesus ".

Talk To Jesus

Have you talked to Jesus , I sure hope you did..
He died my friend , so that you may live..

Have you bent a knee ,and thanked the lord for all he's done..
I know you heard ,he gave his only begotten son..

Have you sought on your behalf, to have him intercede..
To enter the kingdom of heaven, it's surely him you'll need..

His eye is on you my friend, and not only on the sparrow..
Go Talk to Jesus my friend, because heavens gate is narrow..

#chapter 2

© Cuzo45