

Gipsy Blood (2)+(4)
"You are gonna travel a lot. I know you like that. Besides you learn nothing from only being with people you like."

The girlv knows arguing with her father will do no good. He only wants her best and she admits to herself that she is looking forward to experience time again. Sometimes she misses it here. She gets bored. She has a resdtless nature. Sometimes she borrows her father's computer to tease the Earth people. She changes commands in their life files.
Right now she has a feeling that her father knows about it and wants her out of the way..
To be continued...💚
Nr 3 already reliesed.

Nr. 4:

The mother called her in anger. To her it wass not bad to be a gipsy. Shecwas proud of that word. She feels thevsmoth fabric of her long skirt. The scarve was a colourful manifest around her shoulders. These clothes were ment for travelling. Maybe to young for the age, she had now. The years were running like crazy horses. Away, away..
She hears the sound again. This time it is the train: "Taking time...taking time" it says.
It is hard to get up with her long skirt. Only one hand left for the bag and the railing..

© Lucia