

_Stranger's Talks!
I Myself have no idea since how long I wanted to write this.
But yeah, m happy today m taking the initiative.
This can be a never-ending story or always extending.

Okay... So, I'll start...
I often ask many people what perception do you have about the people you met?
(Consider here strangers, also people you are knowing since years)
Answers were ambiguous, people themselves were never sure what they're saying, if they really mean it or not.
Some call Strangers kind, some known people are enemy to them... Basically their family members, for some everyone is Fraud... Funny though!

To me answer resulted in 360° complete change from the prior opinion of somebody else.
btw their opinions never affected mine!
Today while reading one of my subject books
I.e., Corporate Communication and Public Relations, Chapter was about Technology in Corporate Communication -
Where I read a line 'What convinces you to approach people in the real world, and on social media.'
Well, the line makes lotta sense to me.
As humans we all are eligible to observe, perceive and make judgements, logically it's 'Comparison' what we do.
Face, Dressing Style, Physicality, Manner of speaking... And so on. How the person is in real is the ultimate quest.
I'm not saying any 'Dark Reality' m stating a fact and there is nothing wrong about it.
Once in communication on a zoom call with my friend, Lex... (A Russian) ... Over the same topic ... Where I said, "People are extremely judgmental about face" To which he answered, "It's majorly because that's the first thing you notice about the stranger, even a whole life isn't enough to know someone in person."
Agreeable?? Yes!
As an Indian many of us wrongly believe that people living in America are open to Sex, they have such culture of showing cleavage and all...
In India it's more than rare and unacceptable to be in front of parents, or someone elder than us... In exposed clothes.
Let's say miniskirts, At beaches in Bikini's.
Where people are eyeing, what people are perceiving that's never going to be an issue, but The Clothes, the girl is wearing.
During a chat with my friend, Zenzi Grace (From USA)
I shared with him a pic of a Cat (I recently clicked and posted here as well)
He's a cat lover, He's having 3 cats... All are super cute.
Below the pic I wrote a text -
(Copying the actual texts below)
Me – yestreen I visited a park... So found this cat... She was observing humans... More like a spy passing info to aliens 👨‍🚀
but the moment she started ignoring me... I just loved that... I made multiple videos... Which are pretty sexy...
Zen - Uh........... I think that is maybe not the right way to use that word sir.
Me - Which word?
Zen - Sexy
Zen - Unless you mean it like that in which case our friendship immediately is void and it should be illegal for you to ever be within or even see another animal in your life again.
Me - That's too strict ☠
Me - I meant it as a compliment...
Zen - Bruh, you do realize sexy means sexually attractive right? As in you are saying you want to have sex with the cat....
Me - ☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠
Me - Helll Noooooooo
Me - The topic is debatable.. The cat is adorably cute..
Many a times we see models getting compliments.. Like 'hey, you're looking very sexy' that doesn't mean the person giving compliment wants to have sex ☠
Me - Well I'm sorry if you disliked the text .. But i really would never mean that.. For anybody.. I use that word just as a mere compliment.. And that's it.
Beautiful, pretty, cute sounds very average to me...
Me - Bruh m seriously waiting for your reply 🐘
Zen - Oh, sorry, I fell asleep
Zen - Tbf it was 3am here
Zen - Yeah, no I'm pretty sure people actually mean that....
(Swiped my.. "The topic is debatable text....")
Zen - At least in the US
Zen - Could be considered sexual harassment here if you call someone sexy and you are not like, close to them
If you say that to a child you are in huggee trouble.
Zen - 'Cause people will think you're a pedo 😅
(After this it was a casual chat)
The above recent texts from Zen, Surprised me to the core.
At that moment I felt happy, Having Zen as a friend. The correct choice of words is extremely important, is what I realized.
Speaking of global news or facts, 60% of Pornography contents are hosted in the US.
The United States has a rape rate of 27.3.
According to World Population Review data, only 9% of rapists in the US get prosecuted, and only 3% of rapists will spend a day in prison, while 97% of rapists in the United States will walk free.
Now please note - According to report by World Population Review Data, A women is raped every 18 minutes on average in India.
Okay so - moving on.
A woman, at the age of 55 years... Now 57...with no kid, but a physically disabled husband ..
I met her in my first job experience... My work was to give acupressure points and she used to clean machines... Initially even my work role was to clean machines but by the time I learnt the process... I acquired the knowledge... And so got an increment in the salary... And the job position.
I was luckily being treated as a son not just by my boss, but the aunt as well, we always called her 'Mavshi'
I used to visit that center on alternate days, because I had to visit other centers as well.
The caring side of Mavshi is heartwarming to me, she always used to bring raw carrots and cucumber for salad in my lunch and bananas or any other fruit in the evening. That's something I will never expect from anybody on earth.
(Lunch, And Snacks is always offered from the center, but it was the expense she incurred from her pocket)
I requested her many a times to take the money from me, but she always refused...
Also, it was not convincing for me to return the money... Instead, I wanted to gift her something she really like (of which I've no idea about)
Due to some medical issues, my grandfather died, (My grandpa's younger brother) so we had to go village for around 20 days...
When I came back to Mumbai I was taken aback and extremely upset knowing she had left the job.
Being Me, I didn't really approach anyone to enquire about the matter like what happened why she left the job??
By the same evening, I came to know about everything.
The statement or belief she stated "duniya me yehi hota hai, jab hamse acha koi aur dikha dikha ke kaam karta hai to hamari qadar kam ho jati hai"
Okay ig I need to elaborate this a little, Mavshi was the only person cleaning machines.
.. My boss felt was quite unfair, so she hired a new girl to accompany Mavshi, Surprisingly the new girl was active and as amazing as Mavshi. The girl always ran at the speed of a light to clean the machines so that Mavshi wouldn’t be very tired or troubled.
But Mavshi misinterpreted, and so she felt the new girl wanna replace her.
Such a thing really does happen in the world, since it was my first experience, I was extremely disappointed.
I still remember one healthy and positive conversation with Mavshi, Mavshi always followed the principles or sayings of Asaram Bapu, who is he??
(Asaram Bapu right now is inhaling the air of Prison, He got arrested because of rape cases on him)
At first, I was shocked, like does she live under a rock or what?? He's a criminal.
And so, I blatantly expressed my opinion about it.
But what Mavshi answered, is worth knowing.
"We should never hate the person for his misdeeds, He has said many good things, He's a part of many good initiatives, from running an old age home to feeding cows.
(I don't know the correct word for 'Gaushala')
Though he's into one crime, we ourselves ignore many crimes around us, Aren't we also a criminal as well??
A victim may forgive us, but God will never."
We all know the 'Nirbhaya Case', The recent Manipur Case.
India ranks No 1 in population around the globe and how many of us are United to minimize such crimes??
Instead, some parents made multiples of restrictions on their daughters.
Later she added, "I do know he's a criminal but that doesn't make his positive words void, I still worship him, and I will continue to do so... What opinion do people have about him, Holds no value in my life or in the life of his followers”?
She's right?
According to Me, she is. 💛
Well, I hope the words of Mavshi will have a good impact on your life as well.

Old couple -
Last year on Christmas, I went to Marine Lines, that’s for like 3rd time of my life, honestly, I didn't bunk for that day at least 😂, I informed my parents, I got 500 Rs. for pocket expense, the reason I told I'm going with my friends - Okay this is wrong, Because I went alone.
For the search of peace!
It's More famous for the sea view, Not-so-surprising it was crowded, but like prior I bought a mat on rent for 30 Rs. (Only for usage, With no time limit)
I ate Noodles for 120 Rs, And a Pista Kulfi for 90 Rs.
It was delicious, Costly though 😂
Well, I loved the sunset view, about peace m unsure... Till the moment I met The Couple ig!
The Couple, A lady with a paint brush and some paint bottles, and A Gentlemen, the lady was selling artefacts, Under the shadow of the tree. Around 8 pm, no light bulb or anything, which she made on her own by a Shell, surprisingly don’t know how I got into convo with her but came to know, she’s in Mumbai for 60 years, selling her artifacts in the last 40 years, she had a love a marriage, families from both the sides made a disapproval, so they both had to run in pair.
The lady was Christian, and her husband was from Uttar Pradesh. (Probably difference in caste was the major reason, just guessing)
Speaking of current scenario, the lady sells her artifacts to different locations, and husband begs. Yeah, A Begger. I don't know if they have the roof, Clothes were torn though.
Uncle asked me "Aap kaha se ho" (Where are you from) I said "Bihar” ... The lady said, "He's my husband, He's from Lucknow."
Though there were not any Zindagi ka Gyan stuffs, but the simplicity, the acceptance of their lifestyle, the enthusiasm every day to make new art, the lady said every morning she wakes up at 5 am, she walks on the beach, find Shells, makes her art by afternoon, and sells it in the evening at crowded places.
I explored some of her Artefact, there was one a Leaf design ... Wall art, it was extremely beautiful. For Rs 400 ...
I badly wanted to buy that, But lack of money in the pocket 😂
Then my eyes caught another design, Two Birds, I'll name two love birds, I liked that.
It was for Rs 200… I bargained 😂
and paid 180 for it.
The smile of the lady, And the happiness with what she was doing... It is incredible, & memorable. 💛

Well, the summer break after my 4th Sem exams was far intriguing and beyond my expectations.
Probably because of the curiosity I encountered to watch interviews and know famous people in a better way. You can’t really know someone just by seeing them or hearing a few words from them. You need to be in communication with them on a weekly basis, at least. ESPECIALLY ON SOCIAL MEDIA.
When you start knowing someone through texts, or in person, you start embracing the personality. Where nothing ever matters. Something similar happened in the summer break.
Again, on social media ofc!
I met a guy who is 44, and his husband was 48.
Grammatical error??
I’m talking about Gay couple, American couple.
The love story is interesting, might be weird for some.
At the age of 14 & 18 Both met on Facebook… the guy was earlier in a relationship with a girl and had a brutal break up which made some space for the friendship for these two to take place.
Started with casual chats, and continued with sex on first meet, both are happily married now for 24 years now.
I deliberately asked a very stupid question.
– “Do you guys have kids??”
He smiled and replied, A No – They don’t want kids, they keep going on vacation to different countries and basically living on his husband’s pension.
They have two cute puppies.
What was surprising here for me is – A guy at the age of 14, Dating another guy who is 18… And that too two decades back…that’s awesome ...right!
At the age of 14 he had his first relationship and that too with a guy with such a beautiful acceptance and openness, sadly family relations were sacrificed from both the sides but if the result is happiness, then it’s okay … I think!
Prior to meeting him, like many of us I had a huge misconception about LGBTQ.
To me it was more a sexual attraction, And a temporary one.
But I was totally wrong. And I’m happy to admit it.
I met one more guy on the same app, Named Ali, Age 17.
Though thinking of him my heart gets numb, Earlier I thought he is a cute little young boy during chat.
Here also I was taken aback, a little negative not by knowing he is also in a relationship with a 22-year-old guy living in Saudi Arabia but the immense trust he has on him.
It is good to trust your partner but to an extent when you share your nudes??
I guess it is then that trust becomes questionable and takes the form of blind faith out of innocence and stupidity.
I couldn’t hold myself and immediately blurted out “Don’t be a fool by sharing your nudes to someone who is so far and probably a stranger to you, what if he’s just using you and making wrong use of your pics.”
To which he replied, it’s not his first relationship and compared to prior partner’s he’s not just into nudes. He cares for him. They both talk on a phone call, for almost 2 hours a day. Which makes this relationship valuable to him.
I do know what you guys are thinking – But that is what happens in a relationship between a girl and a guy too.
Here just genders are same.
For some, Sex is the primary and the utmost goal in a relationship but in convo with both, I realized their plans were beyond that.
The acceptance, the trust, and their perspective about society place them in another world, which is far different and beautiful than we’re living in.
As a first and the second gender, the max we have is the opinion for third gender and their lifestyle. The least we feel pity for them and sometimes get annoyed by them, foolishly because of their presence.
Anyway, Society is changing.

Btw do you guys like kids?
Most of the time I question it to many girls, and they say "No" 😂
What's happening in the world???
Well last year I met two intelligent kiddos, A decade younger to me.
I met them on a train journey sharing the seats opposite to mine.
If there are kids around me, I can't help to keep quiet, but I take the initiative to chat with them. 👶
I feel like I will get to know this world better than any adult person would teach me.
I asked, "What's your dream profession?"
The guy replied, "IAS officer."
Smartly to not consider myself a fool I refused the idea of questioning him about the full form of IAS.
(Anybody know???)
Btw a 10-year-old kid saying want to be an IAS officer.
Often people with big dreams attract me the most.
I just felt like asking him - one more question... Which ultimately proved him more intelligent, and he earned respect in my eyes.
"Suppose, If there's a bomb blast in 20 floor building... And perilous fire in a hospital where 1000's of patients are in danger. Where would you go first??" I questioned.
Future IAS officer replied -
"I will first make a call to Fire Brigade team so that they reach out to the hospital and control the situation, and then I would visit where bomb blast occurred."
At the age of 10, very few of us would think or come up with such an answer.
I expected him to choose one location, but his answer won my heart.
I was not just surprised but happy to hear the thoughts of the young boy.
Hoping to meet him soon in the future.

Well-well, Once, like I never did before – On a train journey I got an opportunity to take care of a baby girl who was less than a year. Keeping her all the time embraced in my arms, letting her sleep over my chest for the whole night, whenever any train passed, the noise of train’s honk and its obstreperous speed – the cute little baby was getting scared, she gripped the collar of my shirt... sometimes making her grip on me tighter... ig that feeling…. that means a world to me.
Knowing someone feels safe around you, happy in your presence, and when your care for them is unconditional… I don’t think even crores of rupees will ever be able to get me the happiness I felt in those two days.
Next morning, when her dad said, “She doesn’t go to anyone easily, its wondrous how she slept so peacefully last night.”
I was on cloud Nine! 😂
But not all children are same 😂
When I was returning to Mumbai, I suffered in the presence of a 2-year-old baby girl.
Demanding, Chirpy, Adorable Laughter and Cute when she cries.
Few words to define her.
It’s funny but when she was on her mom’s lap and crying… probably wanted to sleep... I looked at her and winked. To which she frowned at first.
Few mins later, I headed to sleep but baby child wanted to take some kind of revenge ig!
I always prefer to sleep on the middle seat, and she was just opposite to mine with her mom, literally she kept playing music on loud, and crying and crying and crying.
Correction – ‘Screaming’ would be the correct word. As if that was intentional.
Next day, In the afternoon, when I was having my lunch the baby girl gave me a look, basically lifting her eyebrows twice and sometimes thrice… with a grin. That was cute, funny but I also imagined her dramatic young self in the future.
Well, the future is uncertain. And I don’t know if I’ll ever meet any of these people again, but the moments I spent with them, I was really living that.
Something I always advise myself, it’s good to remember the past but don’t live in it, also don’t just plan your future, work for it.
There are some more people but then, there’s always something about someone which I really adore, and I love to share it with someone other personally only.

Btw I know a huge story, but also it wasn’t boring, I think.
Heartily thank you to whomsoever read till here.
If I’ll feel like adding some more people, I would do it.

Stay safe and take care ❤

© Screaming_Words