

Grey horde ch2

Chapter 2-Reliance

Starring into the ashy clouds Nex was still perplexed on the matter. Being the leader of this team he had to think quickly and decisively on how to move past this first little road hump.Knowing about his team very little he had to think on the fly.

"OK so Jacob's shot off into the air,That's probably the best option for now he knows how to maintain a ait current from above.With that all we need to do is keep one from below and that might be able to create a clash of air currents dispersing the ash clouds".Coming up with a plan Nex was sufficiently pleased.

Getting his plan into action he started to channel some of his energy-The ground started to shake bursting open from the depths below, a egregious tree smashed through the earth rising to the heights a 5 story house.Firm in structure and seemingly unbreakable.

"Not to bad Nex,That's a pretty egregious use of energy. The use of your of your mimickery magic is on par with Traveler class.Seth seeing the mimickery magic could kinda tell what he's planning to do.Dashing towards Nex- seth starts to charge up a large array of energy.....

Then at once he dispersed it all-looking like a shower of ice it all descended upon Nex's tree cover every square ince of it in thick ice transforming it into a ice figure.A frozen pillar of sorts towering over the rest of them it was ready Nex thought.

"Sofia on my signal send this flying towards Jacob, Then we'll get him to blast it with his extreme winds shattering it and hopefully dispelling this ash".Channerling her energy she gets ready to send it flying.

Nex shoots vines up into the air through the thick clouds of ash slashing it in 2 for a second and not being able to be seen from the other side.searching for Jacob He opens up the vine giving some vision in the cloud,Manging to locate him via thermal vision Nex sends Jacob a message.

"Jacob's got the message let's do this". His vines retracted down and Nex got himself ready.

"Now Sofia send it flying".Eith all her energy Sofia tears apart the earth and send the section the giant tree is rooted in flying straight up like a cannon ball being hurdeled towards a ship.Dissaperaing merely for a moment a giant shock was sent downwards.

"Was that jacob"all of them a little confused besides Nex who had meticulously thought this through and hoped Jacob wouldn't be to trigger happy about this.

BOSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Then a POOOOFFFFFF. looking like something out a movie the ash clouds split in 2 horizontally seemingly leaving ice fragments to shower over everyone in a shower of white.

"Nicely done everyone, As expected from the top candidates"

With them clearing The first step of the mission how will they deal with what's come?
© ALEX223