

"Life is Never Flat"
If you believe in reincarnation, who would you choose as your next life form if you had the chance? But if you don't believe in it, explain why.


I believe in reincarnation, always have since the moment I turned 18. It's not that I do not enjoy life or anything, but I would prefer to be in Nirvana. Life is beautiful, yes. Sometimes, however, I think it would be nice to be in peace with not a worry in this world.

If I must be reborn, then I'd prefer a simple life. A life with financial freedom. A life with no enemies. Just a simple farmer, with unlimited supply for food, living a good peaceful life. They say life is never flat, but if it's an available option I don't see why not.

Even farmers have their own struggles, I know. But without enemies, I'd be living in peace. I'd be the embodiment of peace itself. Although, I think I would know there is something more in life than planting food from dawn to dusk.

I would beg for more. Because that's how humans are. We grow, and we want more. And we grow more, then want even more.

So yes.. Unless my loved ones are having an experience on Earth, and unless I really have to be reborn. I would very much prefer to have a good rest in Nirvana.

© akirana