

Tere Bin' drama is entertaining, meerab is too boring and selfish!
Tere Bin' drama is entertaining, meerab is too boring and selfish!

Guys, all of you have seen the Tere bin drama. Where meerab is the adorable daughter of wakas. In the drama, meerab tries to show herself too independent, who always fights for the right that never existed or needed. So, in the story when she was getting forcefully married to murtasim, she completely denied the marriage. But then she mysteriously agreed for the marriage.

Meerab agreed to marry with murtasim who was culturally completely opposite of her values. Aww, actually she never had any problem with marriage secretly. She just wanted to make her look more high quality and freedom lover. I think everybody knew how she was, right? There's no need to show yourself unique by continuously rebelling. If you have low self esteem, you should learn that everyone is unique and worthy of attention.

On the other hand, we see murtasim who is in love with meerab and tries romantic things with her regularly. Murtasim's mother and the whole family is obsessed with meerab murtasim marriage. God, why don't these people can't see, people come to die on earth, not to marry. I was specifically stunned by mirab's drama, who at first wasn't willing to marry.

Then suddenly she is all interested in murtasim. The interesting part in the drama was haya's obsession with murtasim. Though murtasim only respond to her non-stop efforts, how can a girl love a man who doesn't care about her a little bit.
As for the acting and role of the characters, meerab's character is boring.

All she cares is about herself and her ego. She does whatever she wants, without caring about anyone, not even her husband murtasim. Haya is more interesting than meerab. She keeps eye on where murtasim goes, what he needs, she admires his personality and crazily in love with him without any needs.

Haya, with her all efforts , deserved murtasim instead of meerab. But meerab got murtasim as her family gift instead of cursed haya. That's pitiful, when you love someone and make them your world, and then they don't even care. The story was going great. Malik Zubair has been a great gentle villain, who got everything on his way.

Then came the real twist, when meerab and murtasim did that thing in Mariam's wedding. But the thing is, you guys did your own pleasure. Why did meerab run away from her in law's house? Why does meerab thinks she has lost herself because what happened? Wasn't she always like this? That's why she married murtasim and also made that contract to make him more desperate for her.

Meerab's running away from the house shows how selfish she is. She killed her so called father with heart attack, because he loved her with all of his heart. She didn't even care about the baby she was caring. She thinks she is too amazing and enough for herself, so it doesn't matter the baby needs a father or not.

Well, at last, meerab returned to murtasim for the sake of her baby and everything became fine between them. What a happy ending. The whole drama was confusing. What do you want to teach? How girls should be selfish and prove their ego because they have low self esteem.

Or how many should tolerate non caring wife because they are a man and married. Or maybe, they wanted to teach how to choose a wrong girl for the son of your family. I enjoyed the drama very much as every character did dying worthy acting. And the dialogues were full of passion and humor. Hope you guys enjoyed my Tere bin drama review. Bye for today.
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