

it's been a while...
recently, within the past five months or so especially over this past month for sure, I've been partaking in opportunities that I've basically been putting off.
I knew the doors it would open and the tragedies it might cause along the way.
I know that's being a bit vague however sometimes life is like that.
I'm certainly glad I don't have to take stimulants or vitamins for stemia and longitivity otherwise I would be in a world of trouble.

There are some nights I don't get enough sleep. certainly no one else's fault but mine. I would definitely not have it any other way. The words that flow through my mind and the thoughts that in time I need to learn how to express.
Instead of just saying " along the way through the Milky Way my eyes meet yours and I deploy my tulips spacecraft to meet yours."

So many differences between night and day I must conceal or who hide my true intentions otherwise I'll be met with limitations upon my reality, which I don't like to begin with.

five or six years is definitely a long time. To go without touch , emotions, or definitely anyone at all within your life.
what a bleak reality?

so much gets in the way along life's highway. that if you do not turn around, you might miss so much along the way.
especially those that should be important and play a key role within your reality.
© Life is amazing, if you let it be!