

In the kitchen
The dirty dishes lay in the sink while the motionless body sprawled on the kitchen floor. Kitchen floor? How clichéd was that? What were they thinking? Eat a frozen pizza and die? Oh wait! Was that the front door? Maybe I should peek? Or wait... I'll just wait.

Sound of boots heading this way.

"Hello?" typical! Like the killer is going to reply. "Hey be a minute. Just checking the channels on TV and then I'll make myself a club sandwich..."

"Ugh! Detectives. Forensics. A body bag? And now the routine investigation. I wonder if they'll figure out who the killer is."

I watched the detectives and forensics put their gloves on. They had no idea I was there.

"Sex, Estimated age, and estimated time of death?" the main detective asked the forensic guy.

"Female. Caucasian. Between 30 and 35. Roughly 11 pm last night," the forensic guy rattled off mechanically.

"Cause of death?" the detective shot back.

"Suicide," came the prompt reply.

My murderer was me.
