

My three humble suggestions for the Writco app.
Hello Atul Purohit Sir,

And the entire hard working team behind the creation of this beautiful app.

I've been on Writco since December 2022. I'm enjoying this app so far and I'll continue to be active on it whenever I'm free.

Throughout my nine months experience on this app; I've gathered a few humble suggestions in my mind which I'm sharing with you, only because I feel it would make this app more popular & efficient in the upcoming time. So here are my suggestions :

1) Disallow anyone trying to copy-paste their scribbles from anywhere else, into Writco.

It's because you must already be familiar with the rise of various chatbots, after the GPT 3 and GPT 4 technologies were invented recently.

Today, AI chatbots backed by GPT 4 technology can easily generate an entire poem, quote, essay, or a full-fledged story, by simply giving it a few prompts.

There are millions of people around the world today who fake their art & creativity, which in reality would be generated by some AI chatbot or an AI tool, yet they'd take credit for it.

It's very important in today's world to distinguish real from fake, human from artificial. It's also important today for us humans to preserve our original human creativity in the wake of rapidly advancing AI.

If we humans do not encourage preserving our own creativity, our heavy-dependence on AI would eventually make us bereft of any creativity altogether.

So I strictly suggest you should allow every writer on your app to write only from the interface provided on your app, and to not allow copy-pasted scribbles from anything outside of your app.

It would limit the numbers of lazy-scammers who simply make AI generate their scribbles, and take dozens of likes for their false pretense.

2) Add an "auto-grammar-correct" feature in your interface. Many word-processors such as Google Docs, Microsoft Word, Grammarly et cetera have an "auto-grammar-correct-feature" which automatically highlights your grammatical mistakes (as you continue to type), and helps you suggest the corrections needed.

You too can add this feature in the writing interface of your app, so that members of your app wouldn't have to write their scribbles in any other app, save yours.

3) Add the feature of "in-built-dictionary" in your app.

Many e-book reading apps such as Amazon Kindle, Scribd, Perlego et cetera have a feature of 'In-built-dictionary' in which you can know the meaning of any word (which you don't understand) by simply pressing the finger on that word (of your reading material) for few seconds. We can also bookmark these words for our future reference.

I believe this feature would give Writco an extra-edge over all the other writing apps available on Playstore.

I hope you liked my suggestions. Please put them into action, in Writco's next update, if you perceive them to be useful for your app.

- Kishan

© Kishan Trivedi
#Suggestions #Feedback #writcoapp #AtulPurohit #WritcoCommunity #artificialintelligence #original #creativity