

Profound Truths Forgotten
Once a radiant beacon of positivity and healing energy, the burnt-out lightworker now found himself in a dimly lit corner of his own existence.

He had embarked on his spiritual journey with boundless enthusiasm, eager to share his light with the world.

His heart brimmed with compassion, his hands extended in service, and his soul danced with the rhythms of the universe.

In the beginning, he had the energy to uplift others, to offer guidance, and to spread love and hope.

But over time, the demands of his role took a toll on him. He absorbed the pain and suffering of those he sought to help, like a sponge soaking up dark waters.

He tirelessly worked to heal others, often neglecting to heal himself.

Days turned into nights, and nights into weeks, as he pushed himself further, believing that his light could never dim.

Yet, the very light he gave so freely began to flicker, like a candle in the wind. The burnout was insidious, creeping into his being until it became a heavy shroud.

The burnt-out lightworker found himself yearning for the same light he had once shared.

He craved the warmth of his own soul, but it had become a distant memory. Self-care had become a foreign concept, and he questioned if he could ever be a source of illumination again.

Alas he had forgot to abide by the profound truths of the light workers.

Light your own candle first!

© Metta_Zen