

Shakuntala Devi part-5

In the year 1977, Shakuntala at the Southern Methodist University gave the 23rd root of a 201-digit number in 5o seconds. The answer 546,372,891 was calculated by the US Bureau of Standards by the UNIVAC 1101 computer. A special program was written to calculate such a large root.

Shakuntala Devi: Guinness Book of Records
On June 18, 1980, she demonstrated the multiplication of two 13-digit numbers, which was randomly picked at the random by the Computer Department of Imperial College London and answered it correctly. The two numbers picked were-- 7,686,369,774,870 × 2,465,099,745,779 and the answer was 18,947,668,177,995,426,462,773,730. The book was recorded in the 1982 Guinness Book of Records.

Shakuntala Devi: Books
In the year 1977, Shakuntla Devi authored a book on mental calculations-- Figuring: The Joy of Number. The same year, she wrote the first book on homosexuality in India titled 'The World of Homosexuals'. In a documentary titled 'For Straights Only', Shakuntala revealed that she was married to a homosexual man and this shifted her interest in the topic to understand it more closely.

Shakuntala Devi: Death
In April 2013, Shakuntala Devi was admitted to a hospital after she complained about respiratory problems. Within two weeks of getting admitted, After getting she suffered from complications of the heart and kidneys. On April 21, 2013, Shakuntala died at the age of 83 years old.

Shakuntala Devi: Legacy
On November 4, 2013, Google Doodle honoured Shakuntala Devi on what would have been her 84th birthday. A biopic named 'Shakuntala Dev' has been released on July 31, 2020, to pay tribute to the human-compute