

Life is a gift from God..God knew us before we were formed in our mothers womb. He called us by name according to the scriptures in the holy bible..

We are made in the image of God..What is man that God is mindful of us.. To me life is like a keilidoscope. Can you envision the beautiful colours of a keilidoscope. As you turn ..it so the colour changes. A beautiful analagy is, Imagine God looking into the keilidoscope of our lives.

He watches us from a distance. .He sees the different colors of our lives. Sometimes life is blue..that's when we experience the bad days and sometimes life is pink..with beautiful splendid colours. that's when life is good.

A keilidoscope is so beautiful. Similarly life is so beautiful..We have to enjoy our lives..because life is short. What if tomorrow never comes.

My advice to you is God loves you.. no matter what we experience through our keilidoscope of life. He watches over us from a distance. His holy Angel's camp around..Nothing compares to the beauty of God and His amazing love for humanity.