

This old highway.
I grew up on this old highway.
I remember the first time I walked up it.
I was a young boy. I wasn't supposed to walk up the highway at that point in time, however, I've always been known to go explore.
I remember one time there was a gentleman following me which was kind of crazy. he wanted me to go someplace however I wouldn't listen to him at all. I just kept walking.
there used to be a bi-Lo's on this highway that I used to work at in my early twenties and met my first fiance there, the first day that she worked there.
also worked at the Goodwill along this road before I went to Job corps.
A lot has changed since then. my Mother's job which was working in an all male driven industry called steel rule die. It burned down one year and there was a lot of memories there. she used to work at a plant right behind our house.
My mother also could have ran her own shop at one point in time, however she chose her kids instead.
Going the other way an ex-girlfriend used to live across the street from me.
she slept beside a piano and one night I walked over to her house with a rake because I forgot to lock the door and was concerned scared the dickens out of both of us.
she was on the front porch smoking a cigar.
there were two bars that used to be on this highway, both I went to in my early twenties.
One called PJ's and the other called Rascals. I'll never forget them.
Rascals was just like. cheers.

the beauty of this old highway are the memories that were made. the sun rises that were seen along the way as well as the sunsets. just like this one today.

© Life is amazing, if you let it be!