

When You're Fifties?...
What to do when you're in your Fifties?.Let me tell you want you should do?.

When you're are in your Fifties, you may not know how long you've going to survive here? Nobody knows.

So all ways Understand one thing that while we go out from this world, we are not going to take anything with us.

So don't be so miser. Wherever possible and necessary you spend for that.

Don't take anything to 💓 heart. Be happy. If it's really warranted you spend and enjoy that items.

Whatever happens it let it happen. Don't worry about anything.

Accept the things as it's as and when it comes and the things that cannot be changed.

Don't blame others for anything.

Don't give much importance to anything. Too much of anything is good for nothing.

You don't worry about anything or about your property or other things.

Once you have gone, everything will go with you. That means whatever you have earned will have its own course of action.

It will go along with you. Some body will take away. Who knows about all.

All struggling is till our survival only.

Everything is required till we are alive.

The greatest secret maintained by God is that he has not told well in advance that when everyone is going to die.

When you go out why you should worry about all the materialistic things?.

Don't worry about your children all. Everything is going to happen according to their destiny only. You can't change anything.

Children will have their own destiny. Then why should we worry about it?.

Your Health is more important than anything else.

If you're health you can live your life with satisfaction.

Your health is more important than Money.

If you have money you can't get your health. Rather if you have health, you can earn money.

Even I you have 1000 Acres, you can eat only quarter k.g Rice only.

Even if you have a Big Palace your going to sleep in 19×16 place only. Even 6×4 place is sufficient to sleep.

Be Patience. Don't compare yourself with others.

You're unique and incompatible with others.

You can't live the life of others's . You try to live your own life.

Don't get confused with Money, Power, Social Status and Fame etc.

Be happy with what you have and live a healthy life. Take healthy food and vitamins etc Wherever necessary and try to live a contented life.

Be an example to other and not exclamation to others.

Stay connected with people always. If it's really warranted express your opinions to others provided if you're asked for that.

Have some good friends of your age group to discuss about your problems.

Your wife, children and your friends will take care of you to lead a healthy and happy life.

Don't try to change others's opinions.

Have the habits of read some books on a daily basis.

Happiness is more important than anything else in a healthy life.

Reduce your expectations from anyone to avoid disappointments.

If you follow as mentioned above, you can have a contented life.

Very important is Don't after money. You make money to work for you.

If you act accordingly, you will have better future.

Author's note: As usual share your opinions in your comments.

© Kannan