

NEET ( National eligibility cum entrance test )
This is one of the toughest exams in India .And this year about 26 lakh aspirants are going to appear in this exam on 5 th may 2024 Sunday . Among this many candidates there are only 45,000 -40,000 government seats are available in India. Also among this few seats every state has 85 % seats. reserved for its residents and only 15 % seats are available for all India Candidates . Taking you to deeper down to the dark reality that about 65 %. seats are under reservation . and rest seats are open to all including those who are eligible for reservation . Now if try to spit venom out of my throat which I have been trying to engulf but couldn't is that general category have access to very few seats ( negligible ) . Also. their fathers are working hard ...... again due to lack of opportunities for general category their fathers have barely got into government jobs so their children are also not having all the facilities they really needed . (are these general category born to in middle class family with lack of opportunities and recognition ) . PLEASE DO THINK ABOUT THIS AND HELP THESE UNFORTUNATE GENERAL CATEGORY .

( note ---- no other people are meant to harmed here this is just raise our issue which have been normalised by time..... all the data given here are approximated estimates ......if could help everyone what's the issue regarding it ......)