

Old Doll
I was a happy little girl just like you, I have a complete family and my dad loves me so much. I'm very proud that my dad is a very popular scientist. He always tell me his discoveries and mom would just laugh at us.
I always loved flowers and our garden is my favorite place.

I was 6 years old that time, I am busy playing with my father during his free time. I even said that i wanted to become a doll cause doll's are pretty he just smiled but shortly after that I felt like there was something pierced my back sharply. My dad asked why I became so quiet I just smiled and said nothing.

One day, I woke up so late it's already 9:00 in the morning. I don't know why but I usually wake up around 6 am or 5. Maybe I'm just tired. But not those things continues until I turned 19....

It was a nice morning that time. I walked down the stairs to see no one..
Where are they? I went around the house but I saw nothing, no maids, bodyguards including.....Mom!!!
I searched for her but she's not here. I went to her room but to my shock I saw her body full of blood. I froze when I heard a voice.
"Surprise" I looked at my back to see my dad..

I tried to run but, I can't move my legs anymore. Until I tripped and there it was he caught me. He brought me at a place I don't know where it was.

We entered inside I saw medicines and every Scientist used except for the make-up, jewelry and dresses. I tried to scream but I can't, I can't move my whole body I felt like it's not a body anymore it's a plastic.

They make me sit on a chair and after that my father finally speaks up.

"Sorry dear but my image is more important than you so I had to do this. I invented a liquid that can turn you into something you dreamed when you we're a child. Be a doll a very pretty doll so that they will recognize me again as the best scientist around the world and your mom? Nah maybe she's suffering in the h3ll right now. I don't care I just used her anyways"
He said and laugh like a devil.

Now, I can't do anything they we're treating me like a true Barbie styling my hair, changing my dress and cutting every part of my bodies to change it to a new one...

So now you know. Im just a simple girl but my life turned UPSIDE DOWN. Now Im just a display at a store and no one knows that my soul is still living in this plastic body.

Just wait we will see again father and I'll make sure that you will feel what you made me feel. Mark my words.

Hello everyone!!! Thank you for reading luv you all, please don't take this seriously it's just a story that camed up to my mind and it's from the song "Old doll" I just heard it from a video and some scenarios popped out to my mind. That's why I created this and I apologize if it's short my mind is not functioning right now lol.
Check my profile for more stories!!!💋🎀

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