

The rainbow that never fades
A rainbow is the most beautiful creation of God. It's so amazing. Nothing compares to the beauty of a magnificent rainbow. Jesus is a rainbow that never fades. His beauty is beyond description.

Jesus is also like the sun chasing all of the rain away. He helps us through the storms in our lives. He sustains us no matter what we endure. Just as the sun brightens the whole world so does Jesus reflects light upon this world for He is the Only true light of the world.

I suffer from depression. Right now as I'm writing this story..about the beauty of God, I'm lying in a hospital bed because my health was deteriorating but I have improved tremendously by the saving grace of God.

I'm going back home in a few days..and I thank God for healing me. My pastor and my mum had been fasting and praying for me on my behalf. Today I have received my miracle.. I'm totally well after being so sick because of a rainbow that never fades.

My advice to the world is Jesus loves you. He will sustain you, the way He did for me. May Jesus radiate His beauty upon your life as well. Remember there is a rainbow that never fades, which is Jesus, the Only true Messiah of the world!