

Our 3 Brains
Humans have three "brains" metaphorically referred to as the heart, gut, and head brains, which represent different aspects of our physiology and psychology:

Heart Brain:
This refers to the emotional and intuitive aspects of our consciousness. While not an actual brain, the heart is associated with emotions, empathy, and social connections. Some believe that the heart can "feel" or intuit things beyond logical reasoning.

Gut Brain:
The gut, specifically the enteric nervous system (ENS), contains millions of neurons and is often called the "second brain." It plays a crucial role in digestion and regulates gut functions independently of the central nervous system. It's also linked to our "gut feelings" or intuition.

Head Brain:
This is the actual brain, or the central nervous system, which includes the brain within the skull. It's responsible for complex cognitive functions, rational thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making. It processes sensory information, controls motor functions, and is the seat of consciousness.

These metaphoric "brains" highlight the interconnectedness of our physical and emotional experiences. While the head brain is primarily associated with rational thought, the heart and gut brains emphasize the importance of emotions and intuition in our overall well-being and decision-making processes.

© Metta_Zen