

A Long Lonely Road: I Walk Alone
When you walk through life you must learn to walk alone because life can be deceiving sometimes, you may feel alone, upset, stressed and drained, and life can bring you so many troubles, hindrances and challenges, sometimes you have to be alone to learn new things, to think, to feel the calm of nature, and to cherish everything, life may bring sadness or sometimes depression but learn to fight with it, or it may kill you.

Sometimes to deal with life you must learn to fight to survive, you learn that life is full of chaos, happy moments and memories, tears but that's life it's normal, and it's going to be not easy I know but just learn to ride with it, you have only two choices in life live the life or life may kill you, the things that you will sacrifice for the one you love, you need to endure a lot of things, but you know that the sacrifice will be worth it in the end.

Overthinking can kill happiness they say yes but in overthinking also you will be happy and be able to cry as you remember all the happy and sad memories and times that you spent with someone, life is all about making choices and making the most of it, when you feel alone just remember our good memories together that made you feel good or smile, you will get the life that you deserve in time, and life is worthy of loving and caring.

Beautiful memories that you will bring in life and even in death, you must choose and cherish the life that you deserve, you learn to love the sun-kissed skies, the peaceful surroundings and the warm air, that they make you feel alive even if you are alone, the moments with your loved ones are the most cherished ones, they made you feel that you are not alone anymore even if this world is excruciating mess, in this life of yours you are not alone anymore I'm always here for you.

Title credits: Michael

© AngelXOXO 🩷