

Goodbye My Forbidden Love
I've put an end to our forbidden love...
I said goodbye to us...
I said goodbye even though I really want to stay...
It hurts me like hell...
It's too painful....

I've lost myself in the journey of loving u..
I've lost my sanity to pleased u...
I'm chasing temporary happiness...
I've broke all the boundaries just to feel loved by you..

I love u damn much...
I don't know how to goes days without u...
I wish time will heal everything...
I am more than sure you wouldn't miss me ..

I would never regret loving you..
Possessive over you...
Now you won't have to deal with me anymore...
I've let go... because holding on is too painful in this forbidden love..
And because we deserve peace..and because we know all of this wouldn't come true...
Because we know... we're nothing but delusion.
© rena