

Listening and Procrastinating
Sounds. I hear sounds. They are everywhere. From the steps of the people in front of me, to the cars that passed me by. Pause for a minute, and listen.

What sounds could you hear for the entire sixty seconds, my friend? Did you hear the wind passing by? Did you hear the chatters of strangers? Or perhaps the sound of your very own heartbeat?

Growing up I was an introverted and quiet kid. I've always loved listening to people talk. But I would hesitate to interact because I thought, "What's the point?".

Sometimes, however, in a public place, I would watch these different people just talk to each other. And I found that they had such interesting stories to tell. Which.. I will not write. I may be an eavesdropper, but I keep everything locked in.

Yes, I was an eavesdropper. Although, even I had limits. As much as I love seeing people talk, being in a crowd is very noisy. It's not that I have sensitive ears, I just pay too much attention to too many people.

Think of it this way, you are turning on multiple radios simultaneously, with each connected to a different channel. What would you hear? Utter noise.

Why in the world would I write about it here? Simple. I've lost contact with reality, and I'm trying to get back. And how do I do that? I'm still trying.. But I can write, and I can start paying attention to the sounds of my surroundings.

So here I am, writing on Writco. I was considering writing a poem, but suddenly I thought "Oh hey, why not write about hearing?". Funny what a thought can do.

Fun fact, sometimes it tells me to slit my throat for the fun of it. Or jump off from the thirteenth floor just because I can.

Sometimes I wonder if I need to see a therapist.

I'll be alright.

Funny that I can write this, while having the audacity to procrastinate both writing my thesis and trying to get a job. And what is my excuse? Let's just say I got physically tired. And panicked. Still panicking maybe, because of deadlines.

"So why not just escape reality?", said my thought this afternoon. "No. You only have two months", said my conscience. Guess which voice I listened to. Was it a good decision? It's hard to say..

But I do know, the moment I put my phone down my perception was a mess.

Which is why, folks, don't play on your phones for too long. Get outside and feed your brain with lots and lots of fresh air. Do what you know is the right thing to do. That is how you know you love yourself.

Maybe you guys will turn out better than me, and I'd be very proud.

Well, toodles! And if you knew me in Poetizer, you'll definitely know what I'll say next.

As always, God Bless 🙏

© akirana