

Calling: Ringing... Ringing... Ringing... Beep.

Adam: hey, what's up? What are you doing today, man? I'm bored out of my mind.

Ben: nothing much, I'm just playing call of duty right now, wanna join? I have a sorry team. I'm literally carrying it on my back.

Adam : nah, I'm good on that bro. I'm feeling quite bold right now. Got anything scary to play?

Ben : well, you can play the test or take this lollipop which you have to go to its website in order to play it. All of them are pretty terrifying.

Adam : c'mon man! I already checked them out. Both of them. Anything other than video games?

Ben : ah! Well, bloody Mary is always on the table or maybe trying playing with a ouija board. How about it?

Adam : dude! we ain't in 8 grade anymore. Give me something real, something that will make my adrenaline kick in, anything else that will make my heart skip a beat.

Ben : ok, ok, I heard there was a game called Vivi. apparently people go missing or even die after playing this game. The way they die is a complete mystery. There is already been Nine cases reported. I highly advise you to not try it or you might be the 10th case and I'm saying this with a straight face too.

Adam : haha. vivi, huh? Don't worry, it's probably fake. I mean people can die from anything. It's probably not a big deal... So how do you play this "vivi" game, anyway?

Ben :I really don't want to check if this is real or fake, just like how I chickened out when you insisted on trying bloody Mary or candy man. Don't tell me that I didn't warn you. Give me five minutes to find the instructions first... OK, I sent them to you through WhatsApp. you can open the link yourself because I'm not choosing to start now to get into this kind of bull! You hear me? This is on you my friend.

Adam : wimp, ok. Thank you, bye. Tch.

OK let me check this out! "Vivi instructions," opened the link. Is this a website? OK, some deep web shit. Before I continue, let me create a brand new account so information can't be leaked. OK, done. Instruction 1 download the vivi app. OK, done. Instruction 2 login to the app and record your first audio on the app by stating your name and VIVI. Adam, vivi.
"Agreement has allowed heart. " huh?
What is this Gibberish? Oooook?! The app froze!
This is stupid, ha! Wait until I tell Ben, that Nothing Happened! (he actually had me going for a minute, too. ) soooo disappointed! I'm going to take a nap,I'll ease his worries later on, hehe.

(blink, blink. Where am I? Am I dreaming?
Been a while. Forest, huh. You think I'm scared-? What's that? There is something, behind the tree facing my direction. Let scan the entire area. Mmm? I can't move my body, but why?
Oh-yeah! I keep forgetting that this is just a dream.
Blink, blink.
The figure has moved closer now. Blink. It's a meddle-aged-man! How can he be a stilled image like that. Its seems like everytime I close my eyes "he" moves closer to where I am.
.. Blink, blink Damn! I was only able to last for 15 minutes? Whoa!
Now he's one meter away from me. If I blink will it scare me and will this dream end?
Well... Let's see.
Ahhhh! What is this sharp pain penetrating my right leg. I must know what's happening to me! He's eating my leg? Why...? and why am I not waking up from this nightmare? It's so agonizing. I can't bear it! I feel every cut, every bite. Devouring my flesh as if he doesn't know I am human.
Aaaag-ssstoo-p. What? The words ain't coming out! My mouth is moving but no sound is being produced. Please, please, oh my god! Please wake up, Adam! Someone, anyone... help me!

How long has it been now? The pain is driving me nuts. even if I'm conscious, it's no use. I can't even call out for help. When I try, my mouth just moves.
This feels infernal. What did I do to deserve this torment?
... *After some hours*
Now I'm unable to feel my lower half and my arms are going numb too. I can only hear the sound of my meat being ripped and chewed. My bones cracking and forcibly pulled out of my body. I don't really care if I live or die anymore. Just kill me if It will mean I will escape this hell.)

arggggggg! What the fuck was that? It was all a dream. Huh? Even though it was a dream. I'm drained from top to bottom in sweat. My mind is scattered. I need talk to someone right now. Ben, that's right! Ben might have been right this time. 7 5 4 2 4 2 5 4. OK, it's ringing:

Adam:hey Ben, I think you were right. I feel sic-!
Ben:hello? hello? why ain't you answering me? Is this supposed to be a joke? it is not funny.
Adam: what are you talking about? I'm not trying to play a trick on you, c'mon man.
Ben: Adam? Adam? If you're trying to scare me, then you've achieved just that.
Adam:dude, I'm not trying to-! listen, I had this wild dream after I did all those instructions of vivi.
Ben: Adam, you better call me later, bye
Adam:no, no! no! no! No! Don't, pleas-! Beep.
What's happening?
let me sit on the bed and rationalize this whole situation.
... What am I sitting on...? Huh? what the f! What's going on? My body is laying on the bed but that can't be. I mean, I'm right here staring at it. "Hey babe... Ugh, you are asleep? I guess I will come back later then."
Hey! Lily, I'm right here! can't you see me?
She is gone and left the door wide opened.
Oh no! Is the nightmare not over yet?
My whole body is paralyzed and I fell on the bed. I'm staring at the ceiling, hearing only the sounds of his footsteps getting closer, closer and closer.
"Agreement has allowed heart. "
What? I remember that from the app. What does it mean?
Why is he saying the same line like a broken record as he eats me.
Wow! How come I didn't figure out this simple nonogram. Ha, I'm really an idiot.
It should be phrased like:" heart has allowed agreement. Which means I've given my life to Vivi.
© meguel k.