

The werewolf hunters and the Last generation of wolf
Susan looked at all the weapons while holding them one by one and wondered if she can be able to kill the wolf or she should stay in the safety room.She took up two guns,few arrows and a archery.The wolf starts starching on the door,She wasn't afraid no more because being a wolf hunter is something she's suppose to be doing so she have to kill the wolf or be killed by the it and she ain't gonna be killed by a wolf.She puts on a black jacket and started getting ready to go out and kill the werewolf, Susan starts looking around the room to see if she could find a hole or something to come out,After searching she found a hole so she put her gun around her waist then went down on her knees and start to crawl.Susam spend three to four minutes crawling through out the hole she fia lly made it out the house, while she stand outside while
calming down the the werewolf start growling with anger her parents heard it while on there way to the house and ran so fast while her dad loads up his Taurus.They reached the house very fast and saw Susan outside,Her mom(Danna) grab her and whisper"hide behind the tree and don't come out no matter what ok" "But Mom" Susan whispers.The dad(Paul) shouted "there's no time for this hunny let's kill this one and get on with our lives he's the last one babe come on". Danna loades her AR 15 and pointed it to the house her husband point his gun in the air then takes out his 9mm pistol.Paul fires his Taurus for the werewolf to hear it.The wolf heard the gun shot and ran to the door looking very angry while breathing very hard while his saliva dripping out his mouth onto the ground,The werewolf expression saying that he want to rip Paul and Danna head off their body then rip Susan throat out.The parents keeps pointed the guns at the wolf.Susan did what her mom told her to do but she wanted to help so she took off her and put the silver arrows in it then point it in the werewolf direction and fire the arrows right in the wolf legs he got even more angry and ran off to attack the parents so she fires another and Danna and Paul fires all there guns at the wolf and weaken it.He fell to the ground then tries to get up back but Susan fires another arrow to the werewolf shoulder then his chest,She ran to her parents and they started to fire at the werewolf until he was dead. "OMG mom he's this easy to kill"? Susan asked.The werewolf started to transform into a human being and Paul realize it and call them they are stood there in shocked because they never seen a werewolf transforming. "Why is he transforming? Should that suppose to happened? Are all werewolf half human Susan asked curiosity, No it shouldn't and no not all werewolf are humans guess he was bitten by one.After awhile the werewolf body turned into ashes and fade away.The family hugs each other and said I LOVE YOU!!

© Annastacia smith