

Ambiguous Friendship
Don’t mistake my insecurities for weakness.
I just never learned to grasp the concept of self care.

There’s far more happiness in giving then there is in receiving. I would much rather talk about you then me.
I’m not dodging….. I’m just avoiding the question.

I flip it back on you because that’s what I do. That’s how I function. That’s how I process Information.

I’m far more interested in your pattern of thinking and what makes you tick.
I’m curious what happened in your past that molded you who you are today?

But you see, I honestly don’t want anything from you. I just appreciate the intellectual conversation. I appreciate the psychological analysis of open honest personification, evaluation and intriguing interpretation of what we deem as art.

But you don’t believe me because you never had a friend like Me. Someone who genuinely cares about you as a person. Someone who takes a personal interest and wants nothing in return.

The mutual sharing comes naturally. It should never be forced. But sharing is all based on comfortability.

As I mentioned before, I’m broken in that regard. I’m An INTJ. I value you for the intellectual being you are. No more, no less. But I appreciate other aspects of your personality as well including your physical attributes. I may even appreciate the art of your existence and the physical features you possess. So If I compliment you, don’t take it personal…but take it personal. Because I never give a compliment I don’t mean.

And try not to judge a unique personality just because you’ve never interacted with someone like me before.
You knew what to expect when you met me. I made it quite clear that I’m not interested in a relationship. I’m happily married and I’m only interested in the intellectual open conversation that seems to be far and in-between these days.

I appreciate the art of your existence but I never wanted more then you could give and I expected just the same.
The difference between you and I, is there’s no ambiguity in my friendship, whereas your intentions were laced with deceit and ambiguity.

I don’t text you because I want YOU, I text you because I want too.
If I ask you how you’re doing, it’s because I’m genuinely curious in your well being.
If you send me a pic and I compliment a detail I notice in the picture…. I’m not coming onto you. I’m not flirting with you, I’m just expressing my appreciation for what you sent me.
I appreciate the seemingly insignificant things in life that most people don’t.

If you’re cold you can have my hoody because that’s what a friend would do.
I will listen intently when you need to vent or just express what’s on your mind.

But it doesn’t mean I want to be more then friends.
I don’t understand why you don’t understand that.

You can literally tell me anything and share whatever you like, I would never judge you and I would never think your coming onto me. As I said, I value the bond of friendship…I have no desire to have a romantic relationship with you.
But I’ll be the best friend you ever had.

I readily understand that most can’t handle that type of friendship. And most would probably find it extremely frustrating.

But the fact is, I’m not like other people and I don’t want or expect anything from you in return.

I will hold you when you’re hurting
I’ll protect you when you’re scared.
I’ll comfort you when you’re lonely.
I’ll show you that I care.

© JustAnotherInkling🎨