

Cosmic Point Of No Return!
Cosmic Point of No Return is a concept whereby if (hypothetically) you travel too far into the Universe, at the speed of light, you would never be able to return back to your point of origin.

This is a story of two bitterest enemies yet two passionate lovers, who after becoming obsessed with more & more power decide to commit a cosmic suicide (apparently) by speeding their star-ship 8.3 billion light years (at the speed of light) for leaving mankind at peace, free of their tyranny.
Towards the end of the 22nd century on Earth; Kaa-Li was a female soldier who fought for peace and justice in a world that had overcome many of its problems. She was loyal, brave, and honest, and she rose through the ranks of the United Nations peacekeeping army. She had a vision of a united and prosperous humanity that would explore the stars and achieve greatness.

But her vision soon became corrupted by her lust for power. She staged a coup and seized control of the Earth, declaring herself the supreme leader. She ruled with an iron fist, crushing any opposition and imposing her will on everyone. She had millions of soldiers under her command, but she only cared for one: Shee-Vaa!

Shee-Vaa was an ordinary male, foot-soldier who caught Kaa-Li's eye one day. He was handsome, strong, and loyal, and he admired Kaa-Li's charisma and intelligence. They had a brief encounter, and sparks flew between them. They began a secret affair, and Shee-Vaa fell in love with Kaa-Li.

He believed that she loved him too, and that they would rule the world together. But he was wrong. Kaa-Li had other plans. She chose a rich and powerful minister as her husband, and discarded Shee-Vaa like a toy.

Shee-Vaa was heartbroken and enraged. He felt betrayed and humiliated. He vowed to take revenge on Kaa-Li, and to overthrow her tyranny. He gathered a group of conspirators, and plotted to assassinate Kaa-Li.

But his plan failed. He was captured and tortured, and then sent to a remote prison in the Sahara desert, along with his co-conspirators. He swore to never give up, and to escape one day.

Xara was a woman who had been Kaa-Li's friend and ally. She had supported Kaa-Li's rise to power, and had helped her in many ways. She was smart, brave, and compassionate, and she had a sense of justice.

She hoped that Kaa-Li would use her power for good, and that she would make the world a better place. But she was disappointed. She saw how Kaa-Li became more and more dictatorial, and how she oppressed and exploited the people.

She saw how Kaa-Li ignored the problems of the world, and how she wasted resources on her lavish lifestyle and her vanity projects. She saw how Kaa-Li became paranoid and cruel, and how she executed anyone who dared to question or criticize her. Xara became worried and scared. She feared for the future of humanity, and for her own life.

She decided to act. She contacted a mysterious figure named Orion, who claimed to be the leader of a resistance movement. Orion told her that he had a plan to overthrow Kaa-Li, and that he needed her help. Xara agreed to join him, and to become his spy.

Orion was a man who had a secret identity. He was a genius, a visionary, and a rebel. He had a network of followers, who were loyal and devoted to him. He had a base of operations, hidden in a secret location.

He had a fleet of ships, and an army of droids. He had a goal: to liberate humanity from Kaa-Li's tyranny, and to restore democracy and freedom.

He had a strategy: to infiltrate Kaa-Li's regime, to sabotage her operations, to recruit more allies, and to prepare for a final attack. He had a weapon: a device that could hack into Kaa-Li's mind, and make her do his bidding.

He had a weakness: he was dying. He had a terminal illness that no medicine could cure. He had a deadline: he had to act fast, before it was too late.

Shee-Vaa was a man who had a second chance. He had been imprisoned for a year, but he had not given up hope. He had been plotting and scheming, and he had managed to incite a rebellion among the prisoners. He had led a daring escape, and he had freed himself and his co-conspirators.

He had contacted Orion, and he had joined his cause. He had a mission: to kill Kaa-Li, and to take her place. He had a motive: he hated Kaa-Li, and he wanted to make her pay. He had a secret: he still loved Kaa-Li, and he wanted to make her love him again.

The war began. Orion launched a surprise attack on Kaa-Li's palace, with his ships and his droids. He infiltrated her security, and opened the gates for his allies. He confronted Kaa-Li, and tried to persuade her to surrender. He failed.

Kaa-Li resisted and fought back. She activated her defenses, and called for reinforcements. She escaped from Orion, and fled to her bunker. She prepared for a final stand.

Shee-Vaa was the one who captured Kaa-Li. He was the one, who faced her, who confronted her, who subdued her. He was the one, who had his revenge, his justice, and his satisfaction. He looked at her, and he felt a mix of emotions, a flood of memories, a clash of feelings. He felt anger, pain, and hatred. He felt love, pity, and regret.

He felt nothing, everything, and something. He had to make a choice, and he made a choice from his heart. He chose mercy. He spared Kaa-Li, and exiled her to the same jail, in the desert, where she had once imprisoned him.

He told Kaa-Li that he still loved her, that he could not kill her, that he wanted her to live. He told Kaa-Li that he had won, that he had freed the world, that he was the new ruler.

Kaa-Li was shocked, and humiliated. She could not believe that She-Vaa had spared her, exiled her, and loved her. She could not accept that She-Vaa had won, freed the world, and become the new ruler. She could not forgive Shee-Vaa, or herself.

She felt rage, despair, and a vengeance.She did not give up. She did not lose hope. She did not forget her love, or her hate for Shee-Vaa. She waited for the right chance to reclaim her glory.

Xara was happy, and proud. She had helped Orion, and Shee-Vaa in their revolution, against Kaa-Li. She had seen the end of Kaa-Li’s tyranny, and the beginning of a new era. She had also fallen in love with Shee-Vaa. Shee-Vaa, had also fallen in love with Xara.

They soon married, and became, the new rulers of the earth. They were, the emperor, and the empress, of the world. They were, the leaders, and the heroes, of the people.

But love fades, and power grows! Shee-Vaa became obsessed, with his own glory, and ambition. He became arrogant, paranoid, and cruel. He abused his power, oppressed his people, and violated his principles. He lost his humanity.

He became worse than Kaa-Li ever was.
Xara became worried, and concerned, as Shee-Vaa’s rule became more and more dictatorial. She saw how She-Vaa became a tyrant consumed by megalomania. She saw how See-Vaa betrayed their love.

She tried to reason with Shee-Vaa, to advise him, to warn him. She tried to remind him of their love, their ideals, their goals. She tried to save him, from himself, from his enemies, from his fate.

But She-Vaa, did not listen, or care, or change. He dismissed Xara, ignored her, and silenced her. He accused Xara of being disloyal and ungrateful. Xara became worried and concerned, as Shee-Vaa’s rule became more and more tyrannical.

She saw how Shee-Vaa abused his power, oppressed his people, and violated his principles. She saw how Shee-Vaa became distant, cold, and cruel. She saw how Shee-Vaa lost his love, his compassion, and his soul.

She decided to oppose Shee-Vaa, and end his tyranny. She left the palace, and joined the resistance. She met other rebels, who shared her vision and values. She became a leader, a fighter, and a hero. She inspired and motivated, the oppressed and the downtrodden. She fought and sacrificed, for justice and peace.

She contacted Orion in a hidden underwater colony of rebels located on an ocean-bed. He was still alive, and still fighting. She had not seen him since the day they had crowned Shee-Vaa as the emperor. She had not heard from him, since the day he had revealed his secret to them. She had not forgotten him, or his secret, or his plan.

Orion, owing to his experience and wit, convinced Xara that Shee-Vaa is too powerful for any of them to conquer, and that only Kaa-Li can defeat him. So both of them, unbeknownst to Emperor Shee-Vaa, liberate Kaa-Li from the prison, making her their ally.

Soon again, a secret alliance of various rebel-factions led by Kaa-Li, Xara and Orion start gathering a powerful army of humans & droids to launch a coup on Emperor Shee-Vaa's palace and eventually they take Shee-Vaa off-guard, when their army launch a surprise-siege of Shee-Vaa's palace, subduing Shee-Vaa to the point of defeat.

Shee-Vaa, now a weakened, helpless man, who was stripped of his powers challenged Kaa-Li to a duel, and she accepts his lover's challenge. They fought with their swords, and their fists. They exchanged blows, and words.

They wounded each other, and their hearts. Yet they realized that they still loved each other, and that they had made a mistake to part ways from each other, by allowing themselves to be consumed by greed & megalomania.

They decided to end the war, and to leave the entire humanity in peace & prosperity, by boarding together on Kaa-Li's star-ship and setting its course to the 'Cosmic Point Of No Return' from Earth - which means they flew their space-ship to the unknown part of the Universe, 8.3 Billion light years away from Earth, at light-speed, which made it impossible for them to ever again return back on Earth! It was a kind of a cosmic-suicide which both of them committed.

Xara watched Kaa-Li and Shee-Vaa leave forever. She felt relieved, yet sad. She had done her duty, and her conscience. She had a new role: to help Orion in rebuilding the world, and to create a new system of an unbiased, meritocratic governance which would check the power of any administrator who would become too megalomaniacal.

She had a new partner: Orion. He had asked her to marry him, and she had said yes. They had a new hope: to make the world a better place, and to live happily ever after.

© Kishan Trivedi

#romance #passion #Futuristic #power #greed #envy #rivalry #writcostory
Image credit : Image generated by Bing AI based on my prompts 😎