

Oldman With The Cowboy Hat
Food..... check.. water..... check..Swiss knife ...Check and etc..and etc..itz a check confirming that I took everything needed for my camping trip.It was just me this in year's camping trip as most of my friends went to Vegas to have some 'good time' yeah I know..good time means having as much as booze they want and flirting with boys..being the only daughter of an ex General of army I know how to control myself and to use my time wisely.I packed my stuff and went to the bus station to catch the last bus to the camping site.after a while the bus came and it was almost empty.I counted their head and I counted to 6 including me and the driver. "Hmm lookes like everyone went for Vegas I guz" thinking like this I went and sit next to window seat.One passenger among them attarcted me a guy wearing a Cowboy hat with a white feather on the top of his hat.He was bit too old but there he was looking outside the window enjoying the view outside
I don't know when I slipped to the sleep but when I opened my eyes it was dark outside and I was lying on the floor of the bus and most of the passengers were lying in the floor too.But that old guy with the Cowboy hat was missing.My head was hurting pretty bad and I felt a little bit of wetness on my forehead I touched my forehead and brought it in of my eyes and I confirmed that it was blood.With a little bit of effort I stood up and went near each of the passengers who were lying on the floor.I checked the pulse of each and every one of them and to my shock non of them Including the driver was alive.Then I searched for my bag I was carrying but it was no were to be found..I looked around and saw that the bus door was completely broken and it was open so maybe my bag got thrown out of the bus during the crash and along with my phone..I looked for a first aid kit on the bus but the slot where it was kept was empty too.
I stepped out of the bus slowly but my legs and elbows were hurting pretty bad from the crash..but somehow I managed to get out.. As I began to walk the pain began to disappear slowly and gradually didn't felt anypain any more..I walked towards the front side of the bus and by seeing the intensity big the crash i sighed with releaf that I am still alive.The front of the bus was just crashed on the trunk of a huge tree on the side of the road.
I stayed there for sometime waiting any other vehicles to come by so that they could see this accident and they could inform the police or call an ambulance for rescue..I stayed there for like more than an hour but not a single vehicle came through that road..It was getting really dark and I started to walk hoping to get help somewhere along the way.I was a full moon day and because of that I was able to see the road and the trees on the both sides of the road very clearly.The moonlight which filtered through the branches of the trees were making strange patterns on the road,which was a beautiful and scarey at the same time.
That's when I saw him few metres aways from me someone was walking slowly like they are enjoying this night and he was having a feather on top of hat.The white feather became much more brighter and the moonlight felt on it.Glad to see atleast someone other than me was alive in that crash and I ran towards him.Hearing a footstep coming towards him that Oldman stopped walking and turned around looking straight at me.I got near him and took some time to catch my breath.
He was just standing next to me without uttering a single word.Finally my breath caught up with me and I asked him " Where are you going old Man?and why didn't even you tried to wake me up when you got out of that bus?"
After a few seconds of silent he replied"I sure tried to wake you up miss,but there was no use..but I was sure you are gonna as wake up by yourself like others "..." You sounds really wierd Oldman you know that too don't you? I checked each and every one of them Nd they were not alive..you were missing and it was only me who is alive"those words came out of my mouth in a sense of anger and exhaust."May be you haven't checked them well" he said but I know that there was no point in arguing with him..Without saying anything else he began to walk.."Where are you going oldman?" I asked him while he moved forward.Hearing my question he stopped for a second and looked towards me and said" The same place where you are going"
What the hell did he just said, i asked myself..this Oldman has gone cookoo I guess.Suddenly I saw two bright lights at a disatance and my mind screemed with joy to find out that that there was more than one vehicle one of them looked like an ambulance and the other one was a cop dispatch vehicle.
I waved again and again towards those vehicles but they just screemed past us without bothering stop.I felt anger and Confused ath the same time.Why haven't they stopped when they saw a Oldman and young girl walking through a lonely road in the middle of nowhere..I looked at that old man and he was just standing there with his Cowboy hat looking at me like he knew what was happening...
"I am going to get help oldman If you want you can follow me to the accident site" by saying that I started to run towards the accident site and while I was running I looked back but there was no one.I looked forward and ran with all my strength and I reached the area.
The whole area was cordoned off by the cops and the whole road was lit by the light from the top of the ambulance and the cop car.I went near a cop but no one noticed me..they were like they didn't saw me..I went near an another cop and waved my hands in front of his face but he kept on talking to his colleagues and attending his radio.Through a cops radio chatter I heard him say "No survivors".That really sounded like a joke to me I walked towards that cop furiously and asked him "What the hell did you say you idiot? can't you see an young lady screeming at your face" but he didn't respond,like I was not even there..
That was more than I could handle I burst to tears and fell on the ground..but then a hand touched my shoulder I looked up and it was that Oldman.I couldn't see his face clearly because of my tear filled eyes.
He have his hand to me so that I could stand up.I stood up and he said "Come with me child". without any hesitation I stated to walk with him.we moved past the barricades and past the bus which was in a pretty bad shape.Few meters from the accident site I saw few cops standing near a tree like they are looking at someone.The old man released my hand and nodded his head indicating that to got there and check out what was happening.I slowly walled towards the cops and there was a medic giving CPR to someone and I heard him say " He has gone may be hours ago" .I don't saw who that was but suddenly my foot stumbled upon something and it was a Cowboy hat and that white feather was just lying on the ground with traces of blood..
My body froze from head to toe and I looked back and there he was the Oldman just standing there with a sense of sadness on his face..
I Ran..I ran like I need to get way from there and jumped across the barricades and went near the bus.There was some medics recovering bodies from the bus.when they carried out one body from the bus I felled on the ground like a rugsack as I saw my fingers slipped out of that thin white cloth which the medics use to cover the body and few feet away from me there was a cop carrying my backpack towards his car..