

The Ancient Ones
When we think about our distant past, we hardly mention the Ancient Ones, those who built the ancient megaliths of which we cannot replicate. We seem to only write and speak about the Lords, who were perhaps once, the delegates chosen to represent the Ancient Ones in their stead. Now, the Lords seem to merely be self-appointed and fearful placeholders for the Ancient Ones, who are spoken of in muted whispers. Even though it was said that their breath could create a tempest, and their thoughts a separate reality, they lived amongst humanity, treating us as equals, making life richer. They never sought solemn supplication of humanity, unlike the greedy, and ego driven Lords. The Ancient Ones raised humanity to levels not reached since they left. While the Lords only care about their own betterment at the peril of humanity. Though the Ancient Ones promised to one day return, it can be surmised that they do not suffer the worries of time.
The message they left, “We Will Return,” is both ominous and auspicious. It can be a threat or a promise, dependent upon whether the Ancient Ones appreciate what we have done to the planet in their absence.