

In a land not far away, lived a certain princess P who was the third daughter of king A, a royal amongst royal, a king without equal who walked the land and conquered the seven seas even narnia wasnt left untouched, for the might of the king was beyond measure till he had his third daughter who to him surpassed the very glory he had accrued, many called her R after her mother some even said she should be called A after her father for she was born upon the return of his conquest to city M where he met the great warrior O, the winebearer of the monarch of heaven U but her father thought it unjust to named his beautiful daughter as such as his for he saw the majesty in her smile and brightness in her eyes and felt he stood before the saint N who was one of the greatest being that ever walked the golden coliseum of T a city built not with bricks but with crystal-like gold. And so the scribe record the journey of this damsel and discover she is indeed of a paramount origin.

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