

It was such a charming morning until...
it was a charming morning the sun was out, the humidity wasn't that bad, and James just experienced sex for the first time in fifteen years. his morning was going great.

James decided to stop at his favorite coffee shop although it was Wednesday his favorite day to stop by was Saturday.
Saturday was when the morning commute, was filled with people heading to the gym.. feeling alive more so than any regular day because he just experienced the most amazing feeling in the universe the sweet release of pent up aggression and horniness.

Suddenly his ex-wife walks through the door of the coffee with the shock of surprise on her face because she hadn't seen James in five years. up until that point he had been in jail for arson after he decided to set the sedan on fire that his ex-wife won in the divorce settlement. In fact, James was under a restraining order from his ex-wife.

In that moment James felt like he could just fall through the floor or at least disappear never to reappear again.
he quickly gathered his stuff together to leave however a meteor struck the coffee shop killing him instantly.
© Life is amazing, if you let it be!