

Gipsy Blood 5 and 6
Inside the train her eyes spot a wonderful cocker spaniel. It catches her eyes and wags the tail, which she takes as an invitation:
"Come, sit down."
She does. The owner is a skinny man in his fifties. He looks intellectual!with round glasses halfway down his nose. He is making notes in a book.
"Taxidriver" He answer her question.
She does not want to disturb him working.
"Me too. I use to have my own taxi. I sold it now."
He wore a red cap with some political slogan.

to be continued.

She takes her multi colour pen out of the bag and her travel note book.
The only colours still working is the green and the red. She draws an arm, makes it red.
Blood is pouring out of the arm. She draws a girl, a shop, a milk bottle, some snow. Hard to draw snow with a green pen. It lookes like gras. There is a man too. He is holding a bottle of milk. The other one is broken. ...

to be continued

© Lucia