

The Murderous Mirror Pt.21

7:10 am - Ben lifted himself off the floor and held his hand out for Luna. Luna took his hand and they walked back out to the dining area of the restaurant. They sat back down to where they had laid the sheets they slept on.
“Are you okay?” Very reassuring, saying that he was not going to judge and that he was here for her.
“I don't remember anything,” her tears began to fall again, “ the only thing I remember is being in the room with the man that was in bandages and then the lights went out”.
He pulled her into an embrace and felt the back of his shirt slowly becoming damp. She was now sucking in air quickly and breathing heavily, and obviously scared.
“What did it feel like?”
Sharp breath, “uhh” Sharp breath, wipes the tears falling from her eyes, “like I.. wa...a...as sleeping” sharp breath. Her breathing was now calmed and back to a regular pace. “What happened while I was, while I was away” She was confused, she didn't even know what happened to herself.
“The things that… I saw” His heart began to prance in his chest, “I can't say or show or I can't tell you” his heart was now racing like it was on a 100 meter dash, “I just can’t I'm so s…”. He didn’t complete the sentence because he ran into the coldness of the outside.


What would you do if you lost track of time? If you blacked out and didn't wake for a week, a month, or maybe even a year or more. Time is precious but what if time keeps moving and you don’t. What if everyone in your life kept moving, went and improved themselves and found new friends because you stopped moving. I mean of course Luna was only out for a couple of days but what if it was for a couple of years. Would Ben have gotten used to the “new” Luna and forget the old or would he eventually realize it's not her. I guess we’ll never know or maybe...


7:30 am - Luna quickly grabbed the blanket she had slept with and sprinted after Ben. The gravel under her feet was ruff and cold with sharp pieces every couple of steps. By the time she caught up with him he was leaning over his knees, puffs of white fog rising from him. She slowly came closer and could hear him sniffing. He was in his boxers with a lightweight shirt on and looked like he was shivering.
“Hey, Why’d you run off like that” Slowly rubbing her hand up his back to his shoulder.
They started walking back towards the building, shoulder to shoulder with the blanket over their outer shoulders trying to keep eachother warm. When they got to the front of the restaurant they sat on the steps and Ben put his head on Luna's lap.
“When you were out” gulp… , “I saw Annabelle get hurt, worse than hurt, she was thrown and hit and I couldn't look away”
“I thought Anna was in the hospital?”
“I thought she was to but what I saw in the mirror was her as well, I’m so confused and I don't know how much more I can take”

8:10 am - Ben's hand was in a fist. Tightly curled, with his knuckles turning a pale white. But there was also the corner of something crumpled poking out of it.
“What’s in your hand?” She said it like someone was holding a gun to her head.
He opened his fist, it was a photo. The photo was crumpled and slightly damp with tears. Luna took it gently out of Ben's hand and into her own. She unfolded it. It was filled with lines and creases but she could still see that in the photo was a girl with strawberry blond hair. Still too young to have hit puberty. Based on the photo she couldn't be older than 8. And though Luna was sure that was all she kept staring at it then flipped it over. On the back it read “Hello, here is another warning. I’m sure you already know”.
“Know what?”
Ben wasn't sure if this was a real question or a burst of anger.
“You know what it means” All of a sudden his sadness became anger. He went from wanting to fold up like a chair in a WWE match to wanting to be the person using the chair to hurt someone. But he didn't know who he wanted to hurt. Because he still didn't know who it was writing the notes.

© Caitlin