

time bandits [pt. 2]
Starring, the great Michael.



After Tabitha and Robert entered the Flickering Slipstream, the World around them became a dazzling, dizzying array of multi-timed flashes from different eras of history from the early development of mankind even until his predicted demise.

All was revealed in that single trip.

And one could go mad with that much information in a drop of time, but theirs was managed by a collection of multi-phased quantum computers.

It was those slaves that worked out the cascading effects of altered timelines and the cumulative results of passing through the Slipstream. For you see, traveling through time is never free. Look at it, like a toll fee. One that takes from one's soul. Each time you pass through it, another piece is required to get back.

Until it gets to the point where you have nothing left to offer. Then, typically, you die or never get out of the displacement field.

This is where Robert was now. He'd been going back and forth so much, corrected the past for his future, that he was nearly a living corpse. But his mind was almost completely devoid of rational thoughts now. And his only goal was to walk, tossing the wheelchair, becoming normal.

Life had been so unfair to him, and Robert just wanted to top the Scales in his favor.

But just how Successful was he? Only time would tell.

(23 years later.)
On his secret underground, beneath the ordinary garage, Robert reaches the stairs from the wheelchair.
He's got his son's (the only one left to him) beard, a lovebird, and his own house, which became part of his unsettled accomplishments. Out of knowledge, he has taught him about independence and indifference at once, to the point of abandoning him in his sacred battles and gray longing. This wasn't part of his prenuptial plans with his deceased wife more than fifty years ago.
He flows through his fingers on the surface of the vintage quantum, yet only the dust, spider web, and unknown debris gave him proper flashbacks that it's been 23 years since he locked down the basement.
He switches on the regulator, and everything powers on. He is a child again, visiting his old room and recalling which wall color made his childhood days. He finds the power button like a child learning how to play a video game for the first time.
He stares at the glass screen and metalloids as he delves into his crystalline mistakes.
His elder son's fading scream reverberates into his ears, refreshing his aching heart. He was a tiny toad left by the bullfrog, unable to save his own flesh from his own entrapment. Swirling into madness and regrets with those mesmerizing playful colors from the background, like a mixed flavor of ice cream.
On the portal, he knew he had unwritten plans as the screen lights turned red from white. He knew he needed to sacrifice someone to return in time. The truth is, no matter how many times he goes back in time, his mistakes and frustrations will never be fixed.
Now his eyes are suddenly untwisted. He used his memory to recall the manuals and prepare the slipstream. He steps forward, and...

To be continued.

© ubik