

"We Are Unique"
© into.the.imagination


We are here for human life experiences, not for spiritual experiences. Because fundamentally we are souls and spiritual powers are already present within us.

We have all been selected and sent here for a specific purpose. With our conscious mind, we are not able to know the purpose for which we are appointed. Only a few of us have been able to give their best to enhance the dimensional improvement of the Earth.

Illusion and myth divert our destination and leave us trapped between human and spiritual experiences. And unfortunately, because of that, we don't understand our purpose throughout life.

And then finally, we go back to our higher dimension in our original energy form (soul) after the expiry of the stipulated time limit (end of the human body).

{It is said in Srimadbhagavad Gita (2.22), we never die but change our bodies like clothes}.

We come again to earth with our special purpose….

It appears, the time limit of life is much shorter than the prescribed purpose. Therefore, there is a system (DNA) available in the human body to send information to the next generation.

And that is why this cycle of coming and going on the Earth has been going on for ages, or rather since the beginning of the Earth's rotation with the galaxy in this UNIVERSE.


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