

It is bad for a creative mind to be too careful. By being too careful, I am talking of being unnecessarily obsessed with perfection.

It is okay, and in fact necessary to be careful, but when pushed to extremes, it becomes something from which a whole lot of disadvantages surely sprout.

Being obsessed with perfection is such behaviour on account of which creative folks are become reluctant to present their creations, for want of perfection in their estimatino.

Do not get me wrong. I believe that whatsoever a person does, it should be done with all the energy and drive that births excellence.

But if the mind of a creator unendingly wants spotless perfection after each creation, even after working over and over again to make improvements on a piece, such obsession with perfection will clog the wheels of the creator's creativity.

He or she may be dealing with some creepling fear that bugs the creative mind, especially when it perpetually wonders if it's creation meets certain standards in the contemplation of an audience or if it meets the standard of those who do not believe it could generate excellence.

Many ideas and creations get buried this way, thereby preventing the coming to limelight of the most creative people amongst us.

Folks who are known are the ones who summon sufficient courage to show what they have created, whether or not they are satisfied with it's state of perfection. They may not be the best in their fields or endeavours, but they are known because what that have created is visible. It is the creations of such folks that have the capacity to be of benefit to the world and it's inhabitants.

Every creative mind must be infused with the courage to present their creations; and the strength to beat down extreme expectations of perfection that extend beyond too many extra miles.

© B.O.A.