

The Murderous Mirror Pt. 23

12:10 am - The person presumed to be Annabelle's mother with a strange eerie creepy undertone to her voice said “Her father is not here because he would rather run away, leave his hurt daughter and not come back.”

Ben couldn't believe it. That day, that Annabelle had gotten hit was a wake up call. No parent in their right mind would leave their child, would they? And what is she talking about? She was the one who ran away from her own daughter, just to start a new life, completely separated and cut off from her former one.

“Why would her father leave!,” a vein in his neck started to twitch slightly. Bum… bum bum… bum bum…
“Do you not believe me! I am her mother! Do you not think I want the best for her!”
“You were out of her life for several years, you left, you could've came and you didn’t , her father although flawed at least tried to make up for all that he did wrong! What did you do?”
“You are in the wrong! Not me! Like I said, she is my daughter!”
“Is she? I had to hear her cry for hours and hours about how she thought you never loved her and now you're here telling me her father left because he didn't want to see his daughter in pain!”

It felt good. It felt good that he let out all of that pent up anger. The anger that he had been holding not of his own but of someone else's. He knew if that was the real Annabelle she would have backed him up and would've not wanted to go with her mother even if it was the only choice available. The assumed stepdad then reached his hand to the table next to the bed. Ben could see the red glint on his hand, he knew he had to get out now.

“Luna, we have to go!” He grabbed her hand. Her hand was wet with sweat. Once clasped on his own he could feel her trembling shaking hand slowly falling out of his own.

“But what about Anna…” They were already out the door. Ben was trudging and pulling Luna farther and farther down the hall. In the distance they could hear a paninced scream, only they couldn't tell who it could've come from.

“Ben! Don’t leave!” The barley recognized voice had shouted.


Lsnfle - Peeling her hands off of her face they were drenched with tears. In truth that is how she felt, it was all true, down to every last bit. She was thankful he said it and not herself, she never had enough control or courage to confront her own feelings.

Thwup… THwup… THWup,,, THWUp… THWUP…

The pounding of boots was right outside of the door now and if not they were getting closer. She had to get out now or she would be locked up again or dead, either one she did not want to find out.

She clutched the mirror in front of her so hard that it hurt the palms of her hands. Her hands looked as if someone took oil and doused them. But she kept clutching it like her life depended on it because surely it did.

“Let me out of here!” She was screaming at the top of her lungs her voice streaked with strains from gasping for air

“Please, Please, Please let me out, I need to get out!” There was the screeching of the door knob. It kept turning,, and turning, then she could hear the shrieking of the hinges slowly opening.


Now, the question is, did she get out? Or did she get caught? And die a strange unnatural reflected death. I guess only I know, and you’ll find out soon enough.

© Caitlin