

Adult Autism
When I was diagnosed with Autism in 2021 and put on the proper medication, I felt like a new person! Going through life with the wrong drug to treat a harmful condition is not pleasant! When I decided to read up on ASD autism spectrum disorder, the symptoms read like my life story, being beaten for being a bad child did not help matters, now it is a new experience being happy with my life and some people in my life are now being supportive of me which helps! Being trapped in a body trying to breathe the breath of freedom has not been a easy one! Pushing people away who wanted to be my friend was not easy either! Just so I could be alone was and still is hard but with my medication now hopefully I can avoid doing that! For me now it looks like I'm being reborn! Though being reborn at 61 now soon to be 63 has been sad and challenging! To think back at a wonderful life I could have had if I was on the right medication! But if I was I would still be in cold New York and not on the beautiful island of Puerto 🇵🇷 Rico! With plenty of pretty fish, manetee, and lizards! Making my life even happier!
I now wish I only came here much earlier in my life, a time when my body was not full with arthritis!
Anyway this is my story!