

Decietful Life
Part - 3

Emma's investigations led her to a small town on the outskirts of the city, where she discovered the address of her birth parents. It was a dilapidated house, its paint peeling and windows cracked, mirroring the shattered dreams of the lives within. Her heart raced with anticipation as she stood before the worn-out doorstep, wondering what awaited her inside.

With trembling hands, she knocked on the door, and it swung open to reveal an elderly couple. Their faces were etched with deep lines of sorrow, and their eyes held a haunted sadness. They were stunned to see Emma, their long-lost daughter, standing before them. Tears streamed down their faces as they embraced her, their emotions a mixture of joy, relief, and guilt.

In the somber silence of that room, they shared their story. They explained that they had been forced to give her up for adoption due to circumstances beyond their control, circumstances that were dark and unfathomable. The weight of their guilt hung heavy in the air, a suffocating fog that obscured any hope of redemption.

Emma's newfound family enveloped her in warmth and acceptance, but the shadows of their past cast an indelible stain on their relationship. There were questions left unanswered, wounds that could never fully heal. Despite their love, Emma couldn't escape the feeling that she was forever an outsider in her own history.

Part -3 is here. Tomorrow will be the last part of the story. Happy reading.

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