

Priya:I fell like mom is hiding something from me.no she can't hide anything from me.i can't tell mom that I love james.

James:what do you just say now.
Priya:(what should tell him)I didn't say anything.
James:you said something and I hear it very clearly.
priya;:I told you I didn't say anything and you don't believe.
jame:I don't believe you.
Priya:ok,if you don't believe me then what did I say?
James:you said that you can'tell your mom that you like,I don't know the last word.
Priya:(I am sure he hear the last word.)
james:I know what you are thinking now.
Priya:you could never know.!!!.so stop doing as if you know everything.
jame:fine the truth is that I hear the last word.
Priya:(I don't know how,I even said it silent before and he here me)
jame:I just came here to check if everything is okay.
Priya:how do you know my location.
James:we are neighbours.
Priya:were .
James:that house over there thats my house.goodby.
Priya:good by.
Mrs chad came into Priya room.
Mrs chad:hey boy who are you.
Priya:(oh no I am in trouble now).
Mrs chad:why are you here.
jame:how many question will you ask at a time I haven't answer1 question and you are giving me another one.
jame:I am james, priya friend.
Mrs chad:I was hearing you guys conversation.I DONT WANNA SEE YOU HERE AGAIN!!!.GO!!!.
jame go away.
Mrs chad slaped Priya and pushed Priya to the bed.
Mrs chad:who is he to you!!!
she slaped Priya.
Mrs chad:who is he to you!!!
she slaped Priya.
Priya:he is my lover!!!.
Mrs chad:that why you have refusing aryan.
Priya:I love james and I can't marry anybody except him.

james was at the window watching them.
james: seriously this is going interesting.like I should not waste my money subscribing television,because this is my television.
Mrs chad:Priya I will never let you marry james.over my dead
Priya:no mom please don't say it.aryan is a bad man and you want me to marry some that is bad?.I can't stand you mom.
Mrs chad:let me tell you the truth Priya,james father is the one who killed your father. know James is planning to kill you.
Priya:I am not a person who would believe you so fast.
Mrs chad played the video for her.
Priya:that is not really true. I sure you animinated this.
Mrs chad:this is not a cartoon picture is real.
Priya began to shake.
Mrs chad:jame might be handsome but he is using it to trick girls.
Priya:(I will ask James)
Mrs chad:I accept that Aryan is bad.but someone that hot your family and someone that doesn't hot your family which one will you prefer.
Priya:mom james has never killed anyone before right.
Mrs chad:yes Priya but I am sure he inherit his father behaviour.
Priya:it doesn't mean that because his father is bad he will inherit the father behaviour.
james:(know Priya make sense)
Mrs chad:I will not let you marry him.
Priya:then I don't want you to be my mother.i am tired of this house.
Mrs chad:okay I am sorry.
Priya went to name house.
jame:I'm coming.
Priya enter his house.
Priya:what of your parent.
James:they are never at home.
Priya:is it really true that your father killed my father.
James:I have no answer to that.
he started to cry.
jame:I wished I could tell you this.