

Valentine hypotheses: Chapter WHEN?
Hi there,
so, let's think and explore the idea and perspectives about some WHENs in the journey of love.

Here we go:

1. Know when you stop,
because even the sea ceases
at the shore
near our feet.

2. Know when to give up,
because excess of efforts
can rotten the roots
of flowers and our relationships.

3. Know when to say and share,
because even the clouds knows when
to share a mesmerising smell
of the petrichor for us.

4. Know when to stay,
because an early leave of sun
turns the world
dark and hopeless.

And "most important lesson" for today:

5. Know when to love,
because we all need a shoulder
on the stormy nights
and gloomy days.

Yes, we all need to know when to do what. To keep ourselves and our loved ones happy and positive.

Love is a broad term. It's not only about your partner. It is also about our family, friends, pets, neighbours, and strangers!

Some share of your love to a stranger can make their day! A little contribution for a happy and healthy society would never harm any.

© Rajvik

Stay tuned for the next chapter!!
Chapter WHAT?

