

'The was 12 boys and girls who lived in a big-well-managed orphanage. The orphanage had a large, dark forest behind it. The kids were told not to enter it as many sounds of animals could be heard coming from it. The benefactor of the orphanage was Mrs Semy. She was a strict but a kind soul who saw the orphans as her own children.

On a particular day while Mrs. Semy was helping the kids to get ready for school, one of the boys, Mike
Said that last night he heard a woman calling for help. This didn't bother the benefactor very much as she knew that the orphanage was located near the forest of a variety of animals that call it home. She just thought he perhaps heard one of the forest inhabitants.

The day after, Mrs Semy saw three of the girls talking to something out in the backyard. She approached them to see who or what were Lily, Poly and Jen chatting cheerfully to.
When she arrived and glanced in front of the kids, there was nothing but air in the spot. Confused she asked the little ones who were they talking to? The girls looked at each other as if she was the one who was behaving very strange and chuckled to themselves. They told her that they were talking to their friend mecy. "She said she lived in the forest with her parents." The trio continued rumbling about the mysterious girl who seemed to be only invisible to Mrs Semy.
"She said she only is allowed to go out of the forest in the day
But Not in the evening. And they have many friends living with them in the forest and many more people go to the forest to be their friends too. Mecy says people who walk in the forest never come out of it."
Mrs. Semy didn't take nothing the girls spoke to heart
Because at times they loved playing pretend to be three musketeers battling a dragon, so this wasn't surprising to see them acting like that. Before she went back inside the house, she told them that play time was over and they should go inside as she noticed the sun was setting.

The next day during the afternoon when the kids got back from school, Mrs Semy was reading an article on the newspaper about the increase in homicides and suicides in the recent years.
The bodies of people whose deaths were believed to be homicide and suicide were found in Eldo Forest. The exact same forest behind the orphanage. where one of the most difficult, unsolved, mysterious cases of missing people were found. Mrs Semy always thought it was just a rumor when she bought this land 5 years ago but now it seemed that the rumors were Factual.
On the article she noticed something particular, amongst the list of the corpse that were discovered, one name stood out to her. "Mecy? Where did I hear that name?"she pondered.

While searching her mind for where she might have heard the name, she heard girls' voices calling out for something. She listened again to what was being shouted.
Listening closely she heard the name, mecy. From that point it was like someone has switched on the light bulb to illuminate the darkness in her head. She rushed towards the shouting and found
Lily, Poly and Jen again. She asked them what was the problem. They told Mrs Semy that mecy hasn't come out to play with them and that she doesn't miss a day to play with them. The three girls were disappointed and sad that they wouldn't play with their friend, this time around.
Mrs Semy felt a slight chill on her back. It was not just a coincidence that aligned with the story on the newspaper. She called all of the kids inside.

The following day in the afternoon, Jais, one of the boys, ran to Mrs Semy, who was in the kitchen, with panic in his voice. Jais was usually the calm and collected one so see him acting like this was very unusual. Mrs Semy asked him what was wrong, seeing him breathing quite heavily. He spouted "she... went.... in the.... forest!"
"What! Who?" Mrs Semy growing more worried.
"P-Poly went in the f-forest to find Jen." Jais stuttering the words out.
Once she heard that sentence it was like she was having a heart attack. she bolted outside, almost all the children were there standing by for the two kids who adventured into the forest. The benefactor
Instructed them to go back the orphanage and lock the doors while she go searching for them. Right about when she was going, one of the girls, Nina called out for Mrs Semy who was panicking. Nina brought her a flashlight as it was getting dark, but Mrs Semy seemed to have not noticed that fact and was going to search blindly. After taking the flashlight she once again told her to go inside and lock the doors. With those last words, she rushed into the forest.

CRYING out poly and jen's names as she walked deeper and deeper into the forest. Her eyes scattering every inch of Eldo Forest in hopes to catch glampses of the two young ladies. For hours she searched the forest, but had no luck of finding her treasured darlings. After resting her feet, she reluctantly decided to turn back. Midway on reaching the orphanage, a loud scream caught her attention. Thinking that it could be the girls that she is looking for, she went towards the sound. Traveling over fallen branches and rocks on her way while holding her flashlight, the sound began to fade away into the abyss. Mrs Semy realizing that she was going to lose where the scream came from, she immediately started running. Not paying attention what was on her path, the poor woman tripped over the root of a tree that was exposed and her knee ended up landing on a rock laying there. As she cried out in pain, she unconsciously shifted her head from the ground to her vanishing point to only see a figure near her. She reached out to grab the which fell and rolled back near her right leg, shined the flashlight on the figure. Tears narrowed down her face while she sat on her knees. No pain in her body measured to that she felt at that moment and time. As if this wasn't heartbreaking enough, behind jais's hollow body Mrs Semy saw the body of a boy. Pain flowed in as she roared out "Tom!" HE WAS BADLY Injured too, from the head to the broken toes. The marks of the bites led her to believe the culprit to be a vicious animal. Suddenly, two other screams emerged from the west side, in the terrifying forest. She carried herself to the screams hoping that she could make it in time, but luck was not on her side that day. When she finally arrived, Lily and Mike were already dead, laying up right on the cold lonely ground. While her hands shaking she examined both of the bodies. She found a knife sticking out of Lilly's chest and some stab wound on Mike's chest as well. The bodies left exposed, showing that some organs were taken out of their fragile bodies. Mrs Semy couldn't believe what she was experiencing. She subconsciously went back to the orphanage.

When she got there, the door was readily opened. Entering her lonesome home, she smelled fresh cooked food. Without any excitement, she followed her nose. She was led to the sitting room and was presented with a plate filled with food on the dining table. She took a sit and began mindlessly eating. Continuing eating, she noticed there was a piece of paper folded up on the table near the plate. It noted, the children. Her eyes widened and immediately unfolded the paper. Its contents revealed that it was a letter tillered to Mrs Semy with a beautiful hand writing. It was Mally's, just like her name implies.

Read: we are sorry to have disobeyed your instructions, but it can't be helped. All of us are worried about you. It's been three hours since you last left to search for Poly and Jen. We decided to go look for you, but if you come early before us, you will find food on the table that was prepared by yours truly this time around, so please enjoy.
We'll be back soon!

Mrs Semy causally walked into the kitchen and opened a drawer where she kept kitchen knives. She took the sharpest one and traced her finger along the sharp edges of the blade while mumbling to herself. Five minutes later she raised the knife towards her throat, after taking one last breath she Slide her throat. As her soul was fading away and her body turned pale, in front of her she saw something that made her die smiling on the corner of the kitchen.