

I am not yours (part 1)
Does destiny again tie the life with the same person whom u left because of ruined relations .

Maybe no or maybe yes it's depends on fate.

Riya Triphati who was once the wife of the best civil lawyer Arpan Sharma . But due to his misunderstandings that because of her brother his sister suicide and took her own life . But after Riya left from his life everything changed and somehow he got to know that Riya's brother was innocent and his sister was the only one who was mentally disturbed. He made Riya's brother go to jail for his whole life . Though Riya could have forgive him if her brother was alive yes her brother also took his life because he can't tolerate the fake allegations and hate on him by the society. Riya had no one except her brother who was also now taken by the person whom she loved more than her herself. She decided that she will never meet Arpan and forgive him for his son which he had unknowingly but how can Riya forgive him because of whom her world was shattered.
But Destiny has another plans. Riya always wanted to be lawyer so she took admission in the most prestigious of law college only to find that her professor is non other than her ex husband Arpan. He became a law professor after Riya left from his life because he was the only one who fought his sister case and made Riya's brother to took the punishment which he haven't even done .
Arpan promised his mother that he will be good lawyer and always fight for truth and if he can't he will leave fighting cases in the court and after he got to know that unknowingly he made a innocent die he leave fighting and taking cases in the court.
He didn't expect Riya will join the same college in which he was teaching. He thought maybe destiny give him a second chance but was it's true no never Riya even didn't glance at him and denied him saying that she respect him a professor so she doesn't want to lose the remaining respect for him too.

#misunderstandings #brokenrelationships #pain

© Priavenna