

Connectivity within our lives!!!
the connections of the unseen world that has effects upon the seen world.
each and every thing is connected at some point in time. our world does not evolve around us. however, our actions in our deeds have a positive as well as negative reactions upon how our environment is. I'm not speaking. just pollution. however, I'm speaking of it all together within us is the power of change.

I'm thankful that I didn't choose violence, revenge, negativity nor chaos to live by that I had a mother who was more than a hero, a role model and decent human being. she taught me so much as I was growing up. in fact, I didn't even see no differences between men and women before I went to elementary besides physical. I was raised. the person does precisely what they need to do to survive within this world and it doesn't matter your sex, color or otherwise. My grandmother built a log cabin by herself and then took out an ad for a husband and that was over 100 years ago. mind blowing isn't it?

so many things within this world has an underlying path to it, some events take place soly on the basis because of one person is still alive and after they're going that event no longer takes place.
there's no one to replace either one of us in this world and how we affect it.
our identities are so different though each one of us has something different and to bring to the table that either teaches us, has affect upon our perspectives, and resonates with our emotions. Even animals are connected to one another. that's how echo systems work.

relationships are fascinating, the small things count that often or at least sometimes has a snowball effect upon us.
either in a positive way or negative.
I wish people learn how to love freely, let go freely and not be very possessive of one another. there probably wouldn't be as much pain in the world if we all did this. some people feel that they wouldn't be anything or know how to survive without someone else, but in my opinion how did they survive and live without them before meeting them?

strangers within our day-to-day life have an effect on us as we do them. " Hebrews 13:2 be not forgetful to entertain strangers: thereby some have entertained angels unaware."
Our daily lives are enriched with influences upon us and who we are, including our environment as we also have influence on those around us as well as where we live.

let's not take for granted the connectivity in our environment, either we have overgrown weeds, broken roads, and run down shacks or we have flourishing gardens, beautiful walkways, and luscious homes to abide in.
© Life is amazing, if you let it be!