

Never Take Someone for Grant - Final Part

Lorna stood there, her lovely face was radiant, and her big brown eyes sparkled like diamonds in the sky. Here we were, standing toe-to-toe. She wore a light-blue uniform dress and white tennis shoes.

Lorna glided closer, and before I could stop myself, my naughty hands slipped down to her slender waist and held her firmly. She placed her warm lips on mine, and she tasted like milk chocolate. She stared at me now, waiting for my reaction. I closed my eyes to savour this unexpected moment. I also felt shivers in my legs, my heart raced like an old diesel generator. This was all a new experience.

She whispered in my ear, "Why did you take long to tell me about your feelings? I knew you wrote these mysterious, romantic letters and articles that circulated in the school. Moreover, I knew you used some initials in your writings, C.E to denote Clint Eastwood."

She continued again, "I craved your attention but you seemed more interested in Matilda, the light-skinned beauty queen".

"Oh! I thought I didn't deserve your affection, and I also feared your rejection". I rumbled on.

"Matilda and I are just close friends. We write comics and draw cartoons together for the school bulletin board. That's all". I replied quietly.

But I knew she was envious of Matilda, all the girls at Lubiri SS were. To say the truth, I dreaded strong-willed girls like Lorna and Matilda.

Lorna pulled me closer again, our next kiss was hard, soulful, and passionate. Her warm mint breath caressed my face softly.

To this day, I am glad I took the bull by the horns, and I can never forget that moment in my life.

As for Ntale, he moved full circle and suffered triple misfortune. He lost his father before we completed our A-levels. He also failed his UACE university entrance examinations. Years later, his professional football career ended in tears. We felt sorry for him, but life continued.

A lesson to all, never to bully others because we have strength, money and advantages. Humility and empathy move mountains.

Kim Lanny and I have stayed in touch for years. I still thank him for the behind-the-scenes actions he undertook covertly to help me win Lorna.

It has been twenty-six years since Lorna and I hiked our journey together. We are still happily married with five beautiful children.

As for me, I also learnt my lesson too. It is never good to take someone for granted. I learnt that love is the true epitome of human nature, and it conquers all adversity! ❤❤❤

© Mwebe Morgan