

The Yellow Door...
(Part 18) The End (Beginning)

Her smile slowly turned to fear. She stood motionless at the sight. She saw Kieran's smile slowly turning into a look of cruelty. She watched as his eyes turning red. He laughed in the rain. It was the joy of a free monster. She saw two large black wings on his shoulder. Spreading them to the sky, that powerful vampire looked at her. Lucinda was scared for a moment. She stood in awe of seeing his ferocious form. Kieran taked his position as a king by rising into the air. The vampires standing around bowed before him. They accepted their master. Lucinda... can you control him? Eric asked. Lucinda had no answer. She looked at Kieran's horrified figure. Lucinda.., you should not be afraid. You can control him. You are the only one who can bring him to his senses….Eric said. Yes, that's right. , only I can do that. He must be controlled anyway. She forgot her fear and regained her courage. She walked towards him. Kieran ... she called out to him. The vampire king slowly came towards her. His eyes, lusting for human blood, looked right at her. But she was not afraid and looked at him. But he did not attack her. He looked into her eyes. lucinda....Lucinda...., it was her mother's voice. She looked towards the sound. Her mother, grandmother, and some of the people of Downham walk towards her. She looked at Kieran,his angry eyes burning like fire. She looked at them and Kieran alternately. Mother...., stay there...., don't come here. She shouted loudly. Why did you come here? she asked. We can't leave you Lucinda. We have come to save you. Grandma and Mom said. Lucinda was worried and didn't know what to do. She was pained thinking how to save the people who came there now. Seeing Kieran's ferocious appearance, they were frightened. Grandmother and mother called Lucinda. Come..., come here from him.....they said. Lucinda didn't care. She is looking at Kieran. She was sure he would attack them. Kieran stepped forward to attack them. But Lucinda began to exert her power over him. She couldn't control him. She was very tired. But she kept trying. Eric came forward to help her. He went to them. Just go back..., it is dangerous for you all to stay here.He said.We cannot leave my daughter in this danger. Aren't you a vampire too... You're on his side. We know that. You brought our daughter here to give him the human blood was he needed. Stay away..., we have the ability to face you too. Saying this, Lucinda's grandmother attacks Eric with her powers. The vampires gathered there rushed towards the grandmother. But Grandma had the power to bind them all. Kieran could not bear his anger when he saw his companions tied up. He screamed loudly. The entire atmosphere was frightened by his screams. Lucinda couldn't control him and she fell down. She watched helplessly as Kieran flew towards the crowd. She could not get up. She sat there helplessly. Grandma used her power on Kieran. But they could do nothing to him. He stood in front of them with wings spread in his ferocious form. He stood as a god of fear-mongering darkness. He showed his sharp teeth and lunged at them. Kieran .... don't do that. Lucinda called out to him with all her strength. She knew very well that his anger was stronger than her words. she got up slowly. She could not walk. She called Kieran and walked forward. She came and stood in front of him. Blood spewed from her mouth. Her eyes welled up. Kieran...,don't do this. Saying this she fell to the ground. Kieran looked at Lucinda. He was filled with pain. The ferocious vampire figure, was ached for her. Kieran took her and flew away. Everyone could can only watched that.

He reached a river bank with her. He was slowly laid her. He poured water into her mouth. She slowly opened her eyes. She looked at him. His red eyes looked at her with pain. She realized he was hurting in this powerful form. She realized that emotions had been created in him. She slowly caressed his face. She hugged him. Kieran..., you have subjugated your powers. You will never be bound again. You are free. Lucinda said happily. Yes, I can control this powerful form. Kieran said looking at him himself. He felt very happy. You gave me this freedom of mine, Lucinda. What should I give you for that? he asked. Lucinda looked into his eyes. If I say I want this land of Pendle hill and that castle and this red-eyed prince, can you give it to me? she asked. Kieran said with surprise and a small smile it's always yours. I saw you first in my consciousness. Since then you have belonged to Pendle Hill and me. Lucinda looked at him with a smile. He came back to the palace with her. Everyone was standing there in fear.Lucinda put her hand with him in front of everyone. From today this Pendle hill is not a valley of fear. This is the valley of love. This place, which used to tell only stories of cheating and revenge, will start telling the story of love from today. Kieran is not a human. I can accept him as a vampire. He can also accept me as a human being. We hide in history the things that have happened in our lives so far as a story. Find out for yourself who is at fault for what happened to you. Don't try to write new stories in the book of cheats just yet. He has become able to control his own powers. But I cannot save you if you try to repeat old stories again. I will not attempt it. She said to the people. Grandmother and mother apologized to Kieran. Eric stood next to Kieran. Kieran began saying, Pendle hill is my world. My world you all created for me. None of us will come to attack the people of Downham. We will never attack humans again. But like Lucinda said, don't try to hurt us just yet. Always remember that this Kieran is your creation. Hearing his words, the people bowed their heads in guilt. They realized all the mistakes and asked forgiveness. Together, Lucinda and Kieran step into a new beginning, forgetting everything. Pendile Hill looks forward to creating new stories of love through them.

End ....

© enigma🦋
#story #vampire #fantasy