

Reminiscing about a traffic jam!
May 13th, 1963
It's a beautiful Monday morning, Jeffrey lost in his thoughts and reminiscing of when he met Hailey. They're on their Honeymoon.

"Jeffrey, are you with me?"
"come in Jeffery?"
Hailey was trying to get Jeffrey's attention who seemed to be zoned out temporary.

"uh Yes, sweetie"
responded Jeffery.

"What would you like for breakfast dear?"
"Bacon, eggs and pancakes please"

After awhile the house was filled with the savory smell of breakfast and a hint of coffee being prepared. Jeffrey waited patiently at the table as Hailey got breakfast ready.

Jeffrey grimaced as he burned himself while taking a sip of his coffee.
" Careful dear, the coffee is freshly made"
said Hailey as she placed breakfast on the table for the two of them.
"So, what have you been preoccupied by this morning?"

As they ate Jeffrey informed Hailey about his reminiscing of them meeting, how adorable Hailey was dressed that day and their universes seemed to collided into each other while stuck in a traffic jam. A bee flew into Jeffrey's car that day and Hailey couldn't help but notice the commotion that was happening. That's how they met that faithful day.
© Life is amazing, if you let it be!