

Dairy's words
Morning or night we never missed out to write our feelings , daily schedule , monthly budget , diet plan and so on .... on ur dairy . But you thought about one thing ? How does the dairy feels for your tears ???

Here the dairy speeks about it

Hello ! I'm your "dear dairy"...
Everyday or night you only speak to me , I wish I could reply you and tell some sweet words and make your heart strong than your problems . But unfortunately I can't that time , Luckily I got it now ... I'm happy when you write in a joyful mood , I'm sad when you were facing your downs in your life . My heart breaks out when your tears fall on me , that tears were full of sorrow , because of heart break , loneliness , hated , exhaust on work and more ... But most of people write about 2 things only ! they were heart break and alone , alone is the biggest problem in the world than COVID . Most of suicides were because of loneliness , Because people are not giving space for new buds , they were jus attached to old circle . It may called like caring and true love for old frnds and sometimes it may mentioned as selfishness ! Yes , it can called like that too !!If trees thought like that then there will be no more trees in this planet , jus try to give a space and put them under your shoulder when they need it ! The victims jus need a smile and hug from you people but you guys missed it to give ... I had faced many death notes in my pages and I wish no one should write "I'm going to die"...Can you make it true ? Jus do it for your "dear dairy" Give them a space ....

- Dear dairy

© TEJ 🦋
